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The scenario:

You have been approached to design and implement a prototype of distributed information system for a national racquet and health club. The company presently has 20 centers at different locations all through the United Kingdom.  This is planned that each centre will run a local database which includes all of the data relevant to the centre. Each of the individual centre’s computer systems would have similar functionality. They each must have the capability to manage the memberships to clients, the bookings of exercise classes, tennis courts, personal fitness trainers and swimming lessons and sale of food & beverages café. Such functions will be given by a number of computer terminals spread all through the centre, that is, at reception and in the cafe.

One centre will be designated as the national management centre. This centre has all the regular functions of a normal centre however a larger administrative centre from which the nation operations are managed has. National management requires being able to run a number of reports that detail summary information for individual centre and collective national summary information.  National summary reports comprise, total weekly, monthly memberships and totals of weekly, monthly sales from the different cafe. National managers have all the functionality of the local managers with the addition of national reports.

Sales staff:

1) Sales staff will have the capabilities to book (update or insert or delete) the sell activities and memberships.
2) Sales staff will encompass the capabilities to sell food and beverages.

Local Managers:

1) Have all of the functionality of Sales staff 
2) They can as well produce reports of weekly or monthly sales.
3) They can produce reports of weekly or monthly sales.
4) They can review the individual staff sales statistics.

National Managers:

1) Have all of the functionality of Local managers.
2) They can as well produce national weekly or monthly sales.
3) The can produce national or weekly sales statistics.

Your task:

Based on the above needs it is essential to build the prototype as a distributed system with a number of various user interfaces, one for each of the users. You must implement 3-tier architecture.

The system must persistently save data in a database. The choice of technology is yours. Similarly the user interfaces can be built by using any technology of your choosing. Care must be taking to achieve 3-tier architecture.

You must document a UML design for the proposed system. This must comprise an explanation of: architecture, requirements and functionality and detailed system design.

Where suitable highlight how DIS concepts that you have learnt throughout this course will be realized within your proposed system.  For instance, failure, concurrency and scalability and so on.

You are not needed to elucidate these terms. You are expected to state how you implementation or design achieves such objectives.


Based on the above requirements it is essential to build the prototype as a distributed system with a number of various user interfaces, one for each of the users identified in your design. You must design and implement 3-tier architecture.

You must document a UML design for the proposed system. This must comprise an explanation of: architecture, requirements and functionality as part of a detailed system design.

The implemented prototype system must persistently save data in a database. The choice of suitable technology for your centre will be determined by your local tutor, this comprises the technology for distribution1 (middleware, RMI, web services, etc.), the database (Oracle, SQL server, MYSQL, Postgres, MS Access and so on) and as well the application or user interface technology (Java, Java Servlets, .NET, ASP.NET, VB.NET and so on).

Specific Deliverables:

D1: An ERD describeing your backend database. 
D2: A UML Deployment diagram detailing your system architecture. 
D3: UML Use-case diagrams for the scenario, these should distinguish the different functions and users of the system. 
D4: UML Design Class diagram for the scenario.
D5: An implemented 3-tier distributed system. This must comprise screenshots and code samples of the main functionalities which you have implemented. 

PHP , Programming

  • Category:- PHP
  • Reference No.:- M9559

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