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1. For the final project, you will have to make good use of your CMS using PHP and MySQL for the content delivery. You will have to be able to deliver the content via a browser on desktop computers as well as on mobile devices.

2. The project platform will consist of

  • a virtual machine under Microsoft Windows 2008 Server,
  • an Apache web server supported by MySQL and PHP,
  • a Content Management System (CMS) ­ Drupal.

3. For this year, our project must be related to medical services and medical information systems. For the medical information systems, the project could become a form of expert system where a user can consult the system for possible diagnosis and treatment, and could also get involved with the purchases of the pertinent medicines or patient supporting equipments, like a drug store or pharmacy. For the medical services, the project could handle the booking for the patient appointments for diagnoses or therapies, or the bed allocations for a hospital, or the archiving of the patient treatment history. If you really need to have your project to be on a different scope, you need to consult your class instructor and get a written/email approval first.

4. Students are to first make a Project Proposal, decide for their website the purpose, rationale, (tentative) title, target users, personas, and functionality. This Project Proposal needs to be included in the final project report as an appendix.

5. Once a project proposal is done, students are to create a Design Document, decide on the storyboard, site layout and modules, features (such as interactivity, animations, videos, social web connectivity) where pertinent, database, and security consideration. This Design Document needs to be included in the final project report as another appendix.

6. The final Project Report must also be submitted online via the submission link on the unit website, or alternatively via this direct submission link. The project report should also contain, among all other relevant matters, the following aspects

About Us (or Who We Are) ­ your name/s and student number/s, and possibly your experience and interests in web.

About This Site ­ the purpose of your site and the targeted segment of population.

Main Usage ­ description of how your site is typically used along with some illustrative screen shots.

Methodology ­ the design for your site, the description and design of the databases supporting the site, infrastructure and platforms necessary for the site, testing strategies, links to other facilities or social media if any, and any matters arising from such as copyright and privacy. Describe explicitly also the top design challenges and technical difficulties you have encountered and resolved during the construction of your website.

Exploration (approximately 1 normal A4 page, no more than 2 pages) ­ select, explore and elaborate on one pertinent aspect among the following list in the context of web development:

  • comparison on the popular CMS and explain which one would be better suited to develop your current project;
  • website security measures and techniques not covered in this unit, and explain how it could help protect your current project site;
  • comparison of leading/popular website hosting services in terms of their technical support and costs, and explain which one is more suited to host your project site.

Peer Assessments ­ For students working in a group, each student must complete a peer assessment which is to describe how you and your partner have each contributed towards the completion of this project, and must each give an estimate for both group members on their respective contribution in percentage of the total project work.

Summary and Conclusion ­ every report should have this anyway.

Reflections ­ brief reflection on your experience and ideas in completing this project.

7. Your site should support some form of user interactions (e.g. booking, ordering, forum, blogging, feedback etc) that is close to the site's main purpose. A site whose support for the user interactions is not crucial may be considered as merely a superficial site.

8. Your website should behave reasonably consistent across the mainstream web browsers such as IE, Edge, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

9. Your site must be directly accessible via just "http://localhost" if it is accessed on your own virtual machine

10. You are able to transport your whole site from one computer to another (fulfilled by the electronic submission of the site).

11. Your site is required to be of top quality. It will be judged on the look and feel, the achieved capacity, the design methodology (e.g. ad hoc versus systematic), and the use of advanced technologies (e.g. your own creation in terms of database, PHP, CSS, Javascript, Ajax, RSS/XLST, session, etc). You should cite the design and technical evidence in your documentation on the quality of your site.

12. Change of the project in its main title and/or scope after the projec proposal is submitted is generally linked to some form of failure on the project design and management. Hence any change of the project must be approved by your class instructor, or an outright penalty of 20% may be automatically applied to this whole final project.

PHP , Programming

  • Category:- PHP
  • Reference No.:- M93106319
  • Price:- $120

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