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Programming Languages:

Programming languages are set of commands, or instructions, and other syntax use to build a software program. Languages which programmers employ to write code are termed as "High-level languages." This code can be compiled into a "low-level language," that is recognized directly by the hardware.

The High-level languages are designed to be simple to read and understand. This permits programmers to write source code in a usual fashion, employing logical words and symbols. For illustration, reserved words such as function, while, if, and else are employed in most of the major programming languages. Symbols such as <, >, ==, and! = are general operators. Most of the high-level languages are identical enough that programmers can simply understand source code written in many languages.

The Low-level languages comprise assembly and machine languages. The assembly language comprises a list of fundamental instructions and is much harder to read than a high-level language. In rare situations, a programmer might decide to code a fundamental program in an assembly language to make sure it operates as proficiently as possible. An assembler can be employed to translate the assembly code into the machine code. Machine code, or machine language, comprises a sequence of binary codes which are understood directly by a computer's CPU. Unnecessary to say, machine language is not made to be human readable.

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