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COBOL (abbreviated as Common Business Oriented Language) was one of the initial high-level programming languages. It was made in the year 1959 by a group of computer professionals termed as the Conference on Data Systems Languages. Since year 1959 it has undergone numerous modifications and enhancements. In an attempt to conquer the trouble of incompatibility among various versions of COBOL, the American National Standards Institute (that is, ANSI) builds up a standard form of the language in the year 1968. This version was termed as American National Standard (that is, ANS) COBOL. In the year1974, ANSI published a revised version of (ANS) COBOL, having a number of features which were not in 1968 version. In year 1985, ANSI published yet another revised version which had new features which are not in the 1974 standard. The language continues to develop nowadays. Object-oriented COBOL is the subset of COBOL 97 which is the fourth edition in the ongoing evolution of ANSI/ISO standard COBOL. The COBOL 97 comprises conventional enhancements and also object-oriented features. Similar to the C++ programming language, the object-oriented COBOL compilers are obtainable even as the language moves toward the standardization.

Language Features:

  • The language which automated business
  • Permits names to be truthfully connotative: allows both names and word-connector characters (that is dashes).
  • Each and every variable is stated in detail - this comprises number of decimal digits and the position of the implied decimal point
  • The File records are also explained with huge detail, as are lines to be output to a printer - perfect for printing the accounting reports.

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