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A mobile application also known as mobile app is a type of application software designed to run on a mobile tool (device), such as a tablet computer or Smartphone. The Mobile applications frequently serve to provide the users with related services to those accessed on PCs. Applications are generally small, individual software units with partial function. A mobile application also may be known as Web app, online app, an app, Smartphone app or iPhone app.


The Android OS and iPhone have created a vast market for mobile services applications through last two years. If you obtain a closer look at most successful Apps, you can see that there are six main characteristics they have in general. These attributes are based on a service design level.

Connectivity: - Applications are always online as the device is continuously logged in to the mobile network. It allows the user specific notifications or information being pushed to the Application as they are available.

Convenience: - An emotional design and a simple handling of mobile applications guarantee a high acceptance. A good Application can do their job in different contexts and fast varying situations. The information architecture and overall usability must be planned with care to create a joyful and fitting interaction flow.

Localization:- The localization and possibility to present location-based information is a key feature that makes mobility bright and practical. It separates wheat from the chaff as it embeds the Application to users' perspective.

Reachability:-  The reachability covers an additional social attribute  which is given by the nature of mobile app itself. A good Application can really be used - and most important makes sense (anywhere at any time). The core of the mobile devices is to be used anywhere at any time in the world.

Security: - The term Security has numerous facets. The information transferred over the network must be encrypted through carrier network. As some Applications sync the data with web-based applications, online, storage of this data or information on the server must also be protected.

Personalization: - Creating the personalized content based on the individual context is another characteristic. It builds on all the previous characteristics as it is a type of melting down of all of them.


Location-based Services: - Location-based services are determining to offer the better user-experience by providing the intelligent information according to user's perspective.

Social Networking:- With the mobile social networking applications right at your fingertips, sharing of the information to your contacts and  friends are a breeze. From texts, to videos, to games, , to pictures and even social, commerce networking applications have become an massive portal of data traffic.

Mobile Search: - Instead of doing the search process on the PC, using a mobile search through your Smartphone is extra expedient. Comparison of product prices, specs, or even making purchases and  reservations could be done with the greater ease.

Mobile Commerce: - Mobile commerce is an up-coming trend to improve the shopper's occurrence. It allows stores to interact with users on a more private basis, like "checking-in" when you step into store, or earning rewards though shopping.

Context-aware Services: - By keeping the track of user's interest and preference. The context-aware services will provide the anticipate user's intention, and the proactively suggests the user on most suitable product, services or content available.


Before you can estimate the benefits of a mobile website vs. an application it is  more important to understand key differences between the two. Both mobile applications and websites are accessed on handheld devices such as tablets or Smartphone.

The mobile website is similar to any other website in that it consists of the browser-based HTML pages; they are linked together and accessed over Internet. The observable characteristic of mobile applications are- they are designed for the touch-screen interface and the smaller handheld display. Like any other website, mobile websites can also display the text content, images, video and data.


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