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C# (generally pronounced as "C-sharp") is an object-oriented programming language from Microsoft which aims to join the computing power of C++ with the programming easiness of Visual Basic. C# is mainly based on C++ and has features similar to those of Java.

C Sharp is designed to work with Microsoft's .Net platform. The Microsoft's plan is to ease the exchange of information and services over the Web, and to allow developers to build highly transportable applications. C# makes simpler programming via its use of Extensible Markup Language (XML) and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) that permit access to a programming object or technique without requiring programmer to write down additional code for each and every step. Since programmers can build up on existing code, instead of repeatedly duplicating it, C# is predicted to make it quicker and less costly to acquire new products and services into the market.

Characteristics of C#

A) C# supports powerfully typed implicit variable declarations with the keyword 'var', and implicitly typed arrays with the keyword new obeyed by a collection initializer.

B) Similar to C++, and unlike Java, C# programmers should use the keyword virtual to permit processes to override by the sub-classes.

C) The C# languages do not permit for global variables or functions. All techniques and members should be declared within the class. The Static members of public classes can replace for global variables and functions.

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