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Perl is the scripting language which is compiled each the time before running. That UNIX knows that it is Perl script there must be following header at the top line of the every Perl script. Where the path to the Perl has to be exact and the line must not exceed to 32 characters. Perl is the general-purpose of programming language originally developed for the text operation and now used for the wide range of the tasks including web development, system administration, network programming, GUI development and additional.

The typical simple use of the Perl would be for extracting information from the text file and printing out report and for converting a text file into the another form. In fact the name Perl was formed from expression Practical Extraction and Report Language.

What is Perl?

Perl is a short form short of Practical Extraction and Report Language. It was designed by the Larry Wall as a tool for the writing programs in the UNIX environment. Perl has a power and flexibility of the high-level programming language such as the C. In reality many of features of the language are borrowed from C. Like the shell script languages. Perl does not require the compiler- Perl interpreter runs our programs. This means that the Perl is ideal for the producing quick solutions to miniature programming problems or for creating the prototypes to test potential solutions to the larger problems.

Perl has powerful string-manipulation functions. On the other hand, it eclectically combines features and purposes of the C language and many command or scripting languages. For such reasons, Perl looks rather odd on first sight. But once you have learned Perl, you will be able to write programs in Perl much faster than in most other languages. This makes Perl especially suitable for the writing programs which are used one time only.

History of Perl:

The Larry Wall began work on the Perl in 1987, while working as programmer at Unisys and released version 1.0 to comp.sources.misc newsgroup on December 18, 1987. The language extended speedily over next few years. Perl two, released in the 1988, featured better regular expression of engine. Perl three, released in the 1989, added the support for binary data streams.

At first the documentation for the Perl was a single man page. In the 1991, Programming Perl known as  to many Perl programmers as Camel Book because of its cover up was published and became the de facto position for language

Features of Perl:

There are nine features of Perl:

1. The Perl's database integration interface DBI is supports third-party databases and including Oracle, Sybase, MySQL, Postgres, and others.

2. The Perl takes the best features from the other languages such as C, awk, sh, sed, and BASIC between others.

3. The Perl works with the HTML, XML, and the other mark-up languages.

4. The Perl supports the Unicode.

5. The Perl is the Y2K compliant.

6. The Perl supports both practical and the object-oriented programming.

7. The Perl interfaces with the external C/C++ libraries through the XS and SWIG.

8. The Perl is the extensible. There are over 20,000 third party modules on hand from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network.

9. Perl interpreter can be fixed into the other systems.

Perl is interpreted:

Perl is the interpreted which means that our code can be run as, without the compilation stage that creates the non portable executable program. The Traditional compilers convert programs into the machine language. When we run the Perl program it is first compiled into the byte code and which is then converted into the machine instructions. So it is not quite same as the shells, and Tcl which are sternly interpreted without an transitional representation. Neither it is like the most versions of the C and C++, which are compiled directly into the machine dependent format. It is a somewhere in between, awk and along with the Python Emma's .elc records.

Design of Perl:

Design of the Perl can be understood as the response to three broad trends in computer industry. Rising labor costs, Falling hardware costs, and improvements in the compiler technology. The Many earlier computer languages are such as FORTRAN and C, aimed to the make efficient use of expensive computer hardware. In the contrast Perl was designed so that the computer programmers could write programs further speedily and easily.

Application of Perl:

The Perl has a lot of and varied applications, compounded by availability of lots of standard and third-party modules. The Perl has primarily been used to the write CGI scripts. Large projects written in the Perl include cPanel, Bugzilla, Slash, RT, and the Movable Type; high-traffic websites that use the Perl widely include, IMDb, Craigslist,, Live Journal, Slashdot and Ticketmaster, DuckDuckGo. It is also an optional component of popular LAMP technology stack for the web development in lieu of the PHP and Python.

The Perl is often used as the glue language, tying together systems and interfaces that were not specially designed to the interoperate, and for data mugging, that is the converting and processing large amounts of the data for tasks such as the creating reports. These strengths are personally linked. The combination makes Perl a popular universal language for the system administrators, mostly because short programs, often called one-liner programs, can be entered and the run on a single command line.

The Perl code can be made portable across Windows and the UNIX, such code is the often used by the suppliers of software to simplify the packaging and maintenance of the software build- and deployment-scripts.

Availability of Perl:

Perl is the dual licensed under both Artistic License and GNU General Public License. Distributions are available for the most operating systems. It is mainly prevalent on UNIX and Unix-like systems but it has been ported to the most modern platforms. With only the six reported exceptions, the Perl can be compiled from the source code on all POSIX-compliant and otherwise-Unix-compatible platforms. Because of the unusual changes required for Mac OS Classic environment the special port called Mac Perl was shipped independently.

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