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Database Management System:

DBMS stands for "Database Management System." In brief, a DBMS is a database program. Theoretically speaking, it is a software system which employs a standard technique of retrieving, cataloging, and queries performing on data. The DBMS administers incoming data, organizes it, and gives ways for the data to be altered or extracted by users or other programs.

A number of DBMS illustrations comprise My-SQL, Microsoft-Access, SQL Server, FileMaker, Oracle, RDBMS, dBASE, and FoxPro. As there are so many database management systems obtainable, it is significant for there to be a method for them to communicate with each other. For this cause, most database software comes with an Open Database Connectivity (i.e., ODBC) driver which permits the database to integrate with other databases. For illustration, common SQL statements like INSERT and SELECT are transformed from a program's proprietary syntax into syntax of other databases.

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