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Programming in Assembly:

Assembly language is a low-level programming language for computer, micro-controller, or any other programmable device in which all statement responds to a single machine code instruction. All assembly language is precise to particular computer architecture, in contrary to most high-level programming languages that are usually portable in multiple systems.

Assembly language is transformed into executable machine code by a utility program termed to as an assembler; the conversion procedure is termed to as assembly, or assembling the code.

Assembly language employs a mnemonic to symbolize each low-level machine operation or opcode. A few opcodes need one or more operands as fraction of the instruction, and nearly all assemblers can take labels and symbols as operands to symbolize addresses and constants, rather than hard coding them into the program. Macro assemblers comprise a macro-instruction facility and hence assembly language text can be pre-assigned to a name, and that name can be employed to insert the text into another code. Most of the assemblers offer additional mechanisms to facilitate program development, controlling assembly procedure, and to assist debugging.

Features of Assembly program:

1. Fast: Assembly programs are usually faster than programs build up in higher level languages. Frequently, programmers write down speed-necessary functions in the assembly.

2. Powerful: Unlimited power is provided over your assembly programs. At times, higher level languages encompass restrictions which make implementing certain things hard.

3. Small: Assembly programs are frequently much smaller than the programs written in another language. This can be much helpful whenever space is a matter.

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