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This tasks provides you an opportunity to get feedback on your Learning Summary Report. The Learning Summary Report outlines how the work you have completed demonstrates that you have met all of the unit's learning outcomes and indicates the grade you believe you have demonstrated in your portfolio. In this report you can justify why you should be awarded this grade based on the work you have completed, what you have learnt, and the unit's assessment criteria.


Download the template for the Learning Summary Report from the task resources, and prepare a first draft.

Remember: The Learning Summary Report has a large impact on your final result. This is the document where you make a case that you should be awarded a certain grade. The more clearly you can demonstrate good quality work in this document the better grade you are likely to receive. Aim to be clear and concise, and refer to the work you have included to demonstrate your understanding.

Also keep in mind that at this stage you are working on a draft, you will get feedback on this and can use that feedback to improve your report for inclusion in your portfolio.

The Learning Summary Report will go at the start of your portfolio. It will be followed by all of your programs, hand executions, report, diagrams, etc. In this summary just refer to the other pieces included in your portfolio rather than re-writing them here. Think of this like an index referring the reader to other pieces that demonstrate your achievements.

Try to include some of the following aspects:

Use the alignment tool in OnTrack to check and adjust the links between the tasks you have completed and the unit learning outcomes. Make sure that you have a range of evidence for each of the unit learning outcomes.

Indicate the grade you think you have achieved (or will achieve by the end of the unit).
Write something up for the reflections section of the Learning Summary Report, or list some dot points you can expand later.

Submit the draft for feedback, and it will be signed off as complete.

What next?

Your work on the unit tasks should have helped you to achieve the unit learning outcomes. In completing these tasks you will have created outputs that help you demonstrate this achievement. So what now?

The assessment for this unit is by portfolio, so now you should be starting to think about putting all of your tasks together into your portfolio for final submission. This is where all of your tasks are finally assessed in order to determine your final grade!

Use the Portfolio Creation tool in OnTrack to guide you through the steps needed to create your portfolio. This will combine together all of your work related to the tasks with the final version of your learning summary report. Once it is created you can download it and review it to make sure that you have included all of the aspects you think show off what you have achieved.

Attachment:- Draft Learning Summary.rar

Programming Language, Programming

  • Category:- Programming Language
  • Reference No.:- M93118102

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