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Create a family or friend tree using a PHP script. The tree should date far enough back to include at least 5 family members. If for some reason a family tree is not possible, develop a friend tree or a pet tree. You must use images for those selected, choose accordingly. Using PHP variables, store the name of each individual, information about them, and a link to a separate page for that person in a PHP script called "variables.php." The main tree web page should be constructed using XHTML and use the PHP variables.php script to output the name of each family member and the link to his/her web page. The web page of each individual should include a picture and at least 4 unique pieces of information about him/her such as his/her career, favorite books/movies/music, goals, interests, and/or accomplishments. Each of the family members along with each of the family member's unique information should exist within PHP variables. The contents of the variables should be printed and outputted in a properly formatted web page for each family/friend person.

Develop a PHP file called "menu.php." Include the menu.php in each of your websites in this course using the PHP include or include_once function. Begin by including it in your primary index.php file in the root of your webhost domain. Within menu.php, develop a navigation menu to every assignment and project for this course. The URLs for assignments that are incomplete can simply be linked to the primary index.php file for now. If completed properly, when you navigate to your, users should be presented with a navigational menu to every assignment and project. This will allow users to see your entire portfolio of accomplishment in this course. Identify the differences between the PHP GET and POST methods. Create an XHTML form for a web poll that uses the GET method, the POST method. Rank products or services that you will use for your project in phase I of the class project. The product or service must have an image and description. Each poll should have a field that is able to store the name of the ranker, at least 5 features that a user can rank using radio buttons (e.g., from strong to weak, or secure to unsecure or strongly disagree to strongly agree), and a comments section. The 5 different elements to rank could be things such as "Would you buy this product at this price?" or "Do you like the colors offered for this product?" or "Is this secure?" Upon submission of the poll, the user should be taken to a web page that gives a nicely formatted results report. The web poll form that ranks the GET method should use the GET method and the poll form that ranks the POST method should use the POST method. The reports page should give a nice picture, graph, table, or spreadsheet of how each product/service was ranked as well as the name and comments left by the customer. At the minimum, there will be three or four web pages completed for this assignment. The first page will include a form that allows an individual to rank 5 items using a GET (1 submit button) and a second form that allows an individual to rank 5 items using a POST (2nd submit button). You can also use two separate web pages to separate the GET and POST rankings if preferred. The second page will give the results / report of the ranking for the PHP GET and the third page will give the results / report of the ranking for the PHP POST.

Build upon the existing family / friend / pet tree website. Create a PHP form that allows input from a web user to update each family / friend / pet in your tree. Upon updating, the family / friend / pet profile pages must display the new information. The form should include a drop down field with each family or friend or pet from the tree assignment. The form should also include the fields that match the web pages for each individual in the family or friend tree assignment. For example, fields could have included career, favorite book, and/or hobbies from the prior assignment. The form needs to include each of these in addition to a drop down to select the person or pet. Use proper form validation for each form. Do not allow improper information to be submitted such as numbers in a nonnumeric field. Upon submission of the form, the user should be transferred to the appropriate individual's / pet's web page based upon the drop down selection. The web page of each friend or family member or pet should now display updated results from the information entered into the form. For example, if a new career was written in the career field on the form, it should be appended to the career section of the family or friend's page. In addition, the proper image of each family / friend / pet should be displayed. In order to accomplish this assignment you will need at least one set of control statements to check which family / friend / pet is being updated. In addition, you will need to use at least one array to store and print the updated information for each individual on their respective profile page. You do not need to store information in a database or file for this assignment. Simply print the contents of the array on the individual's page, which will be temporary due to the fact that the information will not be stored in a database or session.

PHP , Programming

  • Category:- PHP
  • Reference No.:- M92385241

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