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You are required to develop a working database solution in Microsoft Access 2010 that will maintain customer, employee, product, and transaction details for an existing company of you’re choosing. Tables must be normalized so that your database shows referential integrity, does not have redundant data, and updates, deletions, and insertions are done properly. Your database should contain tables, relationships, forms, queries, reports and sample data.

The solution should demonstrate the following:

Tables and Relationships: Multiple tables for customer, employee, product, and transaction details as well as relationships with referential integrity should be created. Fields should be of an appropriated at a type and use valid action rules and input masks where necessary such as with customer age and phone numbers respectively.

Forms: Appropriate forms for entering and amending records should be created where required. At least one form should enable users to enter data into two tables simultaneously.

Queries: A minimum of two queries demonstrating an ability to ask detailed problems of your database should be created where appropriate to display relevant information e.g. all transactions that have taken place within the last week.

Reports: A minimum of two reports should be created to display relevant information from tables and queries.

DBMS, Programming

  • Category:- DBMS
  • Reference No.:- M9392

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