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What are runtime services?

Runtime services having of predefined and user-defined classes that are available to the workflow runtime engine during implementation to customize the behaviour of workflow runtime. Some of the runtime services available in WF 4.0 are as follows:

Scheduling services - Allow creating and scheduling new workflow instances for implementation.

Work batch services - Allow behaviour to maintain a stable and consistent implementation environment.

Tracking services - Allow you to monitor the state of the workflows. This is particularly useful when you have many workflows active at the similar time (for example, in a shopping cart application).

Timer service - Manages the timing needed by the DelayActivity activity.

Transactions services - Provide the transaction support required for data integrity.

Data exchange services - Manage custom communication services.

Threading services - Administer physical threads used to implement workflow instances.


DOT NET, Programming

  • Category:- DOT NET
  • Reference No.:- M9567974

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