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The program determines the overtime hours (anything over 40 hours), the gross pay and then outputs a table in the following format. Column alignment, leading zeros in Clock number, and zero suppression in float fields is important. Use 1.5 as the overtime pay factor.

Clock# Wage Hours OT Gross
098401 10.60 51.0 11.0 598.90
526488 9.75 42.5 2.5 426.56
765349 10.50 37.0 0.0 388.50
034645 12.25 45.0 5.0 581.88
127615 8.35 0.0 0.0 0.00

Use the following information to initialize your data.

98401 10.60 
526488 9.75
765349 10.50
34645 12.25
127615 8.35

You should implement this program using one array for clock number, one array for wage rate, etc.

Limit your use of global variables - Learn how to pass parameters! 
Remember to use constants and all the other things we have covered up to this assignment 
Re-read the homework standards ... make sure that each local variable is commented in EACH function, and EACH function has a descriptive function comment header 
Create a separate function whenever possible to break up your program. For instance, you might have a function for obtaining the hours from the user, another function for calculating overtime hours, another for calculating gross pay and another function for producing the output. At a minimum, you should have a main function and three or more other functions. 

Programming Language, Programming

  • Category:- Programming Language
  • Reference No.:- M998666

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