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The Final Project of this course requires you to demonstrate several steps of the Database Life Cycle (DBLC) for a database you will create. Each week's course assignments allow the chance to get feedback from your peers as you progress through the sections of the

Final Project.

In this interactive assignment discussion, use this space to share and swap knowledge with your instructor and peers on the background and structure sections of your Final Project. In this post, at minimum, discuss the following with your instructor and peers. Seek their feedback on suggestions to improve your thought direction.

In the Final Project, you are to propose a new database system that you will create to meet the data needs of a business or individual personal needs. Share your initial thoughts on the points below. Ask your peers and instructor for constructive recommendations to help improve your thought direction.

Describe the proposed new database system.

What business requirements or personal requirements will be satisfied by your proposed database system?

Who will be the users of the database system?

What specific functionalities will your completed database system provide?

What are data items that should be in your database?

Your initial response should be a minimum of three hundred words in length.

DBMS, Programming

  • Category:- DBMS
  • Reference No.:- M92374218
  • Price:- $10

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