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Simple Order Processing System

Question: Given the classes Ship (with getter and setter), Speedboat, and SpeedboatTest. Answer the following questions:

Refine the whole application (all classes) and create Abstract class as a super class of Ship class. Run the application and test it by creating a number of ships.

Note: while submitting the solution, please submit all classes.


Description: Order processing systems are used to allow user to check the available products. In this assignment your task is to develop a simple check system in Java.

The basic requirement is as follow:

Store product name, quantity, price and numeric ID.

Show all available Products detail.

The following milestones need to be achieved. They will help you keep track of your program development and mark progress.

Phase 1:

1. Create a Product class with the following fields:

int qtyInStock: represent available quantity of product

double price: price of the product

int ID: a unique identifier for each product

String name: name of the product

2. Define following methods in Product class:

showProduct(): display the detail of the product on console

getter/setter for each field of the Product class

3. Define a parameterized constructor for initializing Product class.

4. Test Product class.

Java, Programming

  • Category:- Java
  • Reference No.:- M93119346

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