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Selection statements (if/else if/else combinations) allow us to prepare code that can execute different statements based on the current values seen in a particular run of the program. We will use this to prepare a program that performs calculations and selectively reports on different properties of the find outd values. We will be asking the user for details describing an ellipse, and then reporting back several properties of the ellipse to the user.

First, ask the user for the vertical axis radius. They will enter a floating point number.  Second, ask the user for the horizontal axis radius. They again will enter a floating point number. Afterwards, you will report whether or not it is a circle, if it is tall, long, or neither, the ellipse's focal distance f, and the eccentricity e of the ellipse.


1) Checking for a circle. On a line by itself, your program must either print" is a circle: YES "or" is a circle: NO", appropriately.

2) Tallness or longness. If the ellipse is taller than it is long, your program must print "this is a tall ellipse "on its own line. If it is longer than it is tall, your program must instead print "this is along ellipse "on its own line. If it is exactly as tall as it is long, don't print anything.

3) Focal distance.  Your program must print "focal distance, f: "followed by the actual value of the focal distance. f= √(a2-b2 ), where a is the major radius and b is the minor radius.

4) Eccentricity. Your program will find out it, and print "eccentricity: "followed by the correct value.

Python, Programming

  • Category:- Python
  • Reference No.:- M9161

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