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Question 1
Indicate which of the following statements for the missing code in (i) will NOT render and error message.

(1) double total = axe1 + axe2
(2) float total = axe1 + axe2;
(3) int total = axe1 + axe2;
(4) double total = axe1 + axe2;
(5) None of the above

`Study the code in CODE SECTION 2 and answer question 2 that follows.


double myTotal = 456.7;
int myIntTotal = (int)myTotal;

Question 2
Study the code in CODE SECTION 2 and indicate what the value of myIntTotal will be.

(1) Error message.
(2) 456
(3) 457
(4) 4567
(5) None of the above

Study the code in CODE SECTION 3 and answer question 3 that follows.


String w = "1", x = "2", y = "3"; char z = '4';
String mess = w + x + y + z;

Question 3
Indicate what the value of mess will be.

(1) Error message. You cannot use the ‘+' to concatenate String and
char values.
(2) 123 4
(3) 1234
(4) 9
(5) None of the above

Question 4
Indicate which one of the following declarations will render an error?

(1) long value = 456_789_101;
(2) int value = 22.0;
(3) int value = ' b';
(4) float value = 1.23f;
(5) boolean value = true;

Question 5
The data type ___ can store only a single Unicode character, e.g. ‘B' or ‘&'.

(1) double
(2) byte

(3) char
(4) boolean
(5) float

Question 6
Which of the following is an INVALID variable name in Java?

(1) String Jav = "Java";

Reason: A variable name cannot start with a capital letter.

String jav = "Java";

Reason: "jav" is a reserved keyword in Java.

String 3jav = "Java";

Reason: A variable name cannot start with a number.

String _jav = "Java";

Reason: A variable name cannot start with an underscore (_).

String jav$ = "Java";

Reason: The dollar sign ($) can only be used at the start of the variable name, e.g. $ jav.

Study the code in CODE SECTION 4 and answer question 7 that follows.

int res1 = 6;

int res2 = res1--;

Question 7
Indicate what the values of res1 and res2 will be:

(1) res1: 6 res2: 5
(2) res1: 6 res2: 6
(3) res1: 6 res2: 7
(4) res1: 7 res2: 6
(5) res1: 7 res2: 7

Study the code in CODE SECTION 5 and answer question 8 that follows.


Below is a formula to calculate the Result of three variables T1, T2 and T3
multiplied by R:

Result = (T1 + T2 + T3)/3 x R

The programmer created the following Java code to solve the above:

double Result;

double T1=2, T2=3, T3=4, R=5;

Result = calcResult(T1, T2, T3, R);

Question 8
Indicate which one of the following Java code represents the correct code for the method calcResult() that will solve the formula to calculate the Result.

(1) private static double calcResult (double T1, double T2, double T3, double R) {
//calculate the result of the formula
double answer;

answer = (T1 + T2 + T3) / 3 x R;
return (answer);


private static double calcResult (double T1, double T2, double T3,
double R) {

//calculate the result of the formula
double answer;

answer = (T1 + T2 + T3)/ 3 * R;
return (answer);


(3) private static double calcResult (int T1, int T2, int T3, double R) {

//calculate the area of a trapezoid double answer;

answer = (T1 + T2 + T3) div 3 * R;
return (answer);

(4) private static double calcResult (int T1, int T2, int T3, double R) {

//calculate the result of the formula double answer;

answer = T1 + T2 + T3/ 3 * R;
return (answer);


(5) private static double calcResult (int T1, int T2, int T3, double R) {

//calculate the area of a trapezoid
double answer;

answer = (T1 + T2 + T3) div 3 * R;
return (answer);


Study the code in CODE SECTION 6 and answer question 9 that follows.


String canBorrow = "No" ; String videoNr = "1-345-6789"; String status = "1";
boolean available = status == "1";
boolean truth = (videoNr.substring(0,1).equals("1") && available); if (truth) canBorrow = "Yes";

Question 9

Study the code in code section 6 and indicate what the values of the variables available, truth and canBorrow will be after execution of the code:

(1) available: false truth: false
canBorrow: No
(2) available: true truth: false
canBorrow: No
(3) available: true truth: false
canBorrow: No
(4) available: true
truth: true canBorrow: Yes
(5) available: true truth: false
canBorrow: Yes

Study SCENARIO (ICT1234) and incomplete code in CODE SECTION 7 and answer questions 10 to 14 that follows.


A student enrolling for the module ICT1234 has a total of seven (7) tests (TS) to complete. The YearMark is the average of the five (5) highest test marks. For example, if the test marks are 60,65,70,64,80,55,65 then only the marks 64,65,65,70 and 80 are taken into consideration.

Furthermore, the student submits a portfolio (PortFolio) and writes a written exam (ExamMark).

The FinalMark = YearMark x 30% + PortFolio x 50% + ExamMark x 20%

A student passes the module if the FinalMark is 50% or above AND the

ExamMark is 40% or above. If any of these two are not met, then the student fails the module ICT1234.


//Declare the values
double[] TS = {65.0,93.0,76.0,65.0,39.0,65.0,68.0};
double YearMark = 0.0; double TotYearMark = 0.0; double PortFolio = 51.7; double ExamMark = 67.0; double FinalMark = 0.0; String Message = null;

// (i) Sort the array (TS)

// (ii) Select the top 5 values and determine the
// sum thereof(TotYearMark)

//(iii) Calculate the YearMark

//(iv) Call method FM to calculate the FinalMark

//(v) Determine a Pass or Fail (Message)

private static double FM(double ym1, double pfm2, double em3) {
// Calculates the FinalMark;
double mark = ym1 * .3 + pfm2 * .5 + em3 * .2; return mark;

Question 10

(i): Indicate which of the following code will correctly sort the array TS in ascending order.

(1) Arrays.sort(TS);

(2) Arrays.sort.asc(TS);

(3) TS.sort;

(4) double temp = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < TS.length-1; i++) for (int j = i+1; j < TS.length; j++){
if (TS[i] < TS[j]){
temp = TS[i]; TS[i]= TS[j];
TS[j] = temp;
(5) None of the above

Question 11

(ii): Indicate which of the following will select the sum of the top five test marks values to determine the year mark (TotYearMark).

(1) for (int i = 1; i < TS.length-1; i++){
TotYearMark = TS[i]++;

for (int i = 2; i < TS.length; i++){
TotYearMark = ++TS[i];

(3) for (int i = 1; i < TS.length-1; i++){
TotYearMark = TotYearMark + TS[i];
(4) for (int i = 2; i < TS.length; i++){
TotYearMark = TotYearMark + TS[i];
(5) None of the above

Question 12

(iii): Indicate which of the following code will correctly determine the YearMark. The YearMark is the average of the top 5 test marks (TotYearMark).

(1) YearMark = TotYearMark.average();

(2) YearMark = TotYearMark / 5;

(3) YearMark = Arrays.avg(TS);

(4) YearMark = / 5;

(5) None of the above.

Question 13

(iv): Indicate which of the following code will correctly call the method FM that calculates the final year mark.

(1) FM (YearMark, PortFolio, ExamMark);

(2) FinalMark = FM (TS);

(3) FinalMark = FM (YearMark, PortFolio, ExamMark);

(4) FinalMark = FM (ym1,pf2,em3);
(5) None of the above

Question 14

(v): Indicate which of the following code will correctly determine whether the FinalMark is a "Pass" or "Fail".

(1) Message = "Fail";
if ((FinalMark >= 50) && (ExamMark >= 40))

Message = "Pass";

if ((FinalMark >= 50) || (ExamMark >=40))

Message = "Pass";
Message = "Fail";

Message = "Fail";

if ((FinalMark >= 50) AND (ExamMark >= 40))

Message = "Pass";
Message = "Fail";

Message = "Fail";

if ((FinalMark >= 50) == (ExamMark >= 40))

Message = "Pass";
Message = "Fail";

None of the above

Study the code in CODE SECTION 8 and answer question 15 that follows.


int a = -1; int b = 6; String msg = "";

while (a <5) {
b = --b; a = a +1;
msg = a+" "+ b;

Question 15
Indicate what the value of msg will be.

(1) 5 0
(2) 4 1
(3) 5 -1
(4) 4 0
(5) The code will go into an endless loop.

Study the code in CODE SECTION 9 and answer question 16 that follows.


String arrow=""; char input = 'l';

if (input == 'w') {arrow = "up";} else if (input == 'a') {arrow = "left";} else if (input == 'd') {arrow = "right";} else if (input == 'x') {arrow = "down";}
else arrow = "error";

Question 16
Indicate which of the following code can replace the code and still get the same results.

(1) switch(input){

case 'w' : arrow = "up"; case 'a' : arrow = "left"; case 'd' : arrow = "right"; case 'x' : arrow = "down";
default: arrow = "error"; break;

case 'w' : arrow = "up"; break; case 'a' : arrow = "left"; break; case 'd' : arrow = "right"; break; case 'x' : arrow = "down"; break; default: arrow = "error";

case(input){ switch
'w' : arrow = "up"; break;
'a' : arrow = "left"; break; 'd' : arrow = "right"; break; 'x' : arrow = "down"; break;
default: arrow = "error";
(4) switch(input){
case 'w' : arrow = "up"; break; case 'a' : arrow = "left"; break; case 'd' : arrow = "right"; break; case 'x' : arrow = "down"; break; default: arrow = "error";

None of the above.

Study the code in CODE SECTION 10 and answer question 17 that follows.


int grade = 85;
String redoStudent=""; boolean madeFailRoll = false;

//(i) Statement to determine if the grade is 49% or below if (grade <= 49) {madeFailRoll = true;}

if(madeFailRoll) redoStudent = "You made the Redo Roll";

Question 17

Indicate which of the following statements can replace the code in (i) and still get the same results.

(1) madeFailRoll = grade <= 49;

(2) madeFailRoll == grade <= 49;
(3) switch(grade){
case grade <= 49 : madeFailRoll = true;
(4) switch(grade){
case <= 49 : madeFailRoll = true;
(5) None of the above

Study the code in CODE SECTION 11 and CODE SECTION 12 and answer

questions 18 to 24 that follows.


Bike newBike = new Bike();

Bike newBike1 = new Bike ("Bling","Unleaded Petrol");

Bike newBike2 = new Bike ("Sophisticated", "Petrol","Auto"); Bike newBike3 = new Bike ("Dangerous","Petrol","Manual"); newBike1.setBasicSpecs();
newBike2.setBasicSpecs(); newBike3.setBasicSpecs();

int numberOfBikes = newBike.countBikes;

String basicSpecs1 = newBike1.getBasicSpecs(); String moreSpecs1 = newBike1.getMoreSpecs();

newBike2.topSpeed = "200km/h";

String basicSpecs2 = newBike2.getBasicSpecs(); String moreSpecs2 = newBike2.getMoreSpecs();

String basicSpecs3 = newBike3.getBasicSpecs(); String moreSpecs3 = newBike3.getMoreSpecs();

String drivenWheels = newBike3.drivenWheels;


if (drivenWheels.equals("TWD"))

{drivenWheels = "Two Wheel Drive";} else
{drivenWheels = "Four Wheel Drive";}



public class Bike {

static public int countBikes;

public String enjinCapacity; public String steering; public String aircondition;
public String seatingCapacity; public String drivenWheels; public String topSpeed; private String model;
private String serviceIntervals; private String fuelSystem; private String emission;
private String transmission; private String seatTrim; private String startingSystem;


public Bike(){

//empty constructor


public Bike(String model, String fs) {

// Specific Specs


this.model = model; this.fuelSystem = fs; emission = "Canadian 1";

serviceIntervals = "5000"; transmission = "Manual 4 Speed"; seatTrim = "Synthetic Leather"; startingSystem = "Rotary"; topSpeed = "140km/h";

public Bike(String model, String fs, String tm) {

// Specific specs this.model = model; this.fuelSystem = fs; this.transmission = tm; emission = "Euro 2";
serviceIntervals = "10000"; seatTrim = "Leather"; startingSystem = "Kick Start"; topSpeed = "200km/h";

public void setBasicSpecs() {

// Basic Specs enjinCapacity = "1.5"; steering = "electric"; aircondition = "yes"; seatingCapacity = "2";
String fuelTankSize = "30"; drivenWheels = "TWD";

public String getBasicSpecs() {

// get Specific specs and return to calling program

String msg = null;

msg = this.model + " " + this.enjinCapacity + " " + this.fuelSystem + " " + this.serviceIntervals + " "
+ this.transmission + " " + this.seatTrim; return msg;


public String getMoreSpecs() {

// get more technical specs and return to calling program return this.model + " " + this.emission + " " +
this.startingSystem + " " + this.topSpeed;



Question 18
msg in the method getBasicSpecs() in the class Bike is an example of ....

(1) a local variable
(2) an instance variable
(3) a class variable
(4) a static variable
(5) None of the above.
(1) a local variable

Question 19
enjinCapacity and startingSystem in the class Bike are examples of ...

(1) local variables
(2) instance variables
(3) class variables
(4) static variables
(5) None of the above.

Question 20
Indicate what the value of basicSpecs1 will be.

(1) Bling Unleaded Petrol 5000 Manual 4 Speed Synthetic Leather
(2) Bling null Unleaded Petrol 5000 Manual 4 Speed Synthetic Leather
(3) Bling 1.5 Unleaded Petrol 5000 Manual 4 Speed Synthetic Leather
(4) Error message. The variable enjinCapacity is a local variable in the method setBasicSpecs.
(5) None of the above.

Question 21
Indicate what the value of moreSpecs2 will be

(1) Error message. You cannot change the value of newBike2.topSpeed
from the main program.
(2) Sophisticated Euro 2 Kick Start null
(3) Sophisticated Euro 2 Kick Start 200km/h
(4) Sophisticated Euro 2 Kick Start 140km/h
(5) None of the above.

Question 22

The user enters the following code in Main but receives an error message:

newBike3.model = "Blitz ";

This error message is because ....

(1) the field newBike3.model does not exist.
(2) the field Bike.model does not exist.
(3) the code should be Bike.model = "Blitz";
(4) the field Bike.model is not visible in the main program.
(5) None of the above

Question 23

The if-then-else statement in the last section of the code (i) can be replaced with the following ternary operator...

(1) drivenWheels = ((newBike3.drivenWheels=="TWD") ?
{"Two Wheel Drive"} : {"Four Wheel Drive"});

drivenWheels == ((newBike3.drivenWheels=="TWD") ?
{"Two Wheel Drive"} : {"Four Wheel Drive"});

drivenWheels.equals ((newBike3.drivenWheels=="TWD") ?
{"Two Wheel Drive"} : {"Four Wheel Drive"});

drivenWheels = ((newBike3.drivenWheels=="TWD") ?
"Two Wheel Drive" : "Four Wheel Drive");

None of the above.

Question 24
The value of numberOfBikes in the Main program will be ...

(1) 0.
You cannot access the static value countBikes in the class Car from within the main program.
(2) 0
The statement countBikes++ in the constructor Bike(String, String) will render a syntax error as you can not update the value of a static variable.
(3) 1
(4) 3
(5) None of the above.

Study the incomplete code in SECTION 13 and answer questions 25 and 26 that follow.
String mess="";
ArrayList entity = new ArrayList<>();

int count = entity.size();


Question 25

(i) Which of the following code can be used to allocate values to the ArrayList entity?
(1) entity[0]=10; entity[1]=15; entity [2]=20;

entity.add[0]=10; entity.add[1]=15; entity.add[2]=20;

entity.add[10]; entity.add[15]; entity.add[20];

entity.add(10); entity.add(15); entity.add(20);

None of the above. The size of the arraylist is not defined.

Question 26

(ii) Which of the following code can be used to loop through the elements of the arraylist?

(1) for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int value = entity [i];
mess = mess + " " + value;

for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int value = entity.get(i);
mess = mess + " " + value;

for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int value = entity.get[i]; mess = mess + " " + value;}

for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int value = entity[i].get(); mess = mess + " " + value;

None of the above.

Study the incomplete code in SECTIONS 14, 15 and 16 answer questions 27 and 28 that follow.

String[] TownNames =
"eMbalentli","Queenstown","Cape Town", "Durban","Port Shepstone",

int position = findDuplicates(TownNames);

String mess = "";

if (position < 0) {mess = "there is no duplicate";}
else {mess = "the duplicate is " + TownNames[position] + " at positon " + position;}

TownNames = removeDuplicate(TownNames,position) ;


private static int findDuplicates(String[] Names) { int position = -1;

return position;


private static String[] removeDuplicate
(String[] Names, int position) {

String[] newList = new String[Names.length-1]; int duplicate = position;

Names = newList; return Names;


Question 27

The user creates an array of all the names of primary schools in the Gauteng area (refer to CODE SECTION 14).

The name for every town must be entered only once. The array is quite large. After a while he is not sure as to whether he has entered a town twice.

Indicate which of the following methods (CODE SECTION 15 - (i)) will correctly determine whether the name of a town is already entered in the array and return the position thereof in the array.

(1) String duplicate = null;
for (int i = 0; i < Names.length; i++){
for (int j = i + 1; j < Names.length; j++){ if (Names[i]==(Names[j+1])){
duplicate = Names[j+1]; position = j;
(2) String duplicate = null;
for (int i = 0; i < Names.length; i++){
for (int j = i + 1; j < Names.length; j++){ if (Names[i]<(Names[j+1])){
duplicate = Names[j+1]; position = j;

String duplicate = null;
for (int i = 0; i < Names.length; i++){
for (int j = i + 1; j < Names.length; j++){ if (Names[i].equals(Names[j])){

duplicate = Names[j]; position = j;

String duplicate = null;
for (int i = 0; i < Names.length; i++){
for (int j = i + 1; j < Names.length-1; j++){ if (Names[i].equals(Names[j+1])){
duplicate = Names[j]; position = j;
(5) None of the above.

Question 28
Indicate which of the following methods (CODE SECTION 16 - (ii)) will correctly remove the duplicate element from the array and return an array without the duplicate value.

(1) for (int i = 0; i}
int j = position;
for (int i = position+1; i < Names.length; i++){ newList[j] = Names[i];

for (int i = 0; i}
int j = position+1;

for (int i = position; i < Names.length; i++){ newList[j] = Names[i];

for (int i = 0; i}

int j = position+1;
for (int i = position; i < Names.length; i++){ newList[j+1] = Names[i];

for (int i = 0; i}

int j = position+1;
for (int i = position; i < Names.length; i++){ newList[i] = Names[i];

None of the above.

Question 29
Study the code below and indicate which of the following methods CANNOT be used to create the method calc() ?
boolean pass;
int examMark = 50;

int yearMark = 40;

fail = calc(examMark,yearMark);

(1) private static boolean calc
(int examMark, int yearMark) {

double finalMark = (examMark + yearMark) / 2; boolean pass=false;
if (finalMark <= 49) {pass = false;} else {pass = true;}
return pass;

private static boolean calc
(int examMark, int yearMark) {

double finalMark = (examMark + yearMark) / 2; boolean pass=false;
if (finalMark > 49) {pass = true;} return pass;

private static boolean calc
(double examMark, double yearMark){ double finalMark = (examMark + yearMark) / 2; boolean pass=false;
if (finalMark <= 49) {pass = false;}
{pass = true;} return pass;

(4) private static boolean calc
(int examMark, int yearMark) { double finalMark = (examMark + yearMark) / 2; boolean pass = (finalMark > 49) ? true : false; return pass;

private static boolean calc
(double examMark, double yearMark){ double finalMark = (examMark + yearMark) / 2; boolean pass=true;
if (finalMark <= 49) {pass = false;} return pass;

Question 30
Which one of the following lines of code is an INCORRECT array declaration?
int myArr1[] = new int[5]; //line 1
int [] myArr2 = new int[5]; //line 2 int myArr3[]; myArr3 = new int[5]; //line 3 int myArr4[]; myArr4[] = new int[5]; //line 4
(1) line 1
(2) line 2
(3) line 3
(4) line 4
(5) All the lines of code are correct.
Question 31 (1)
Study the code below and indicate what the value of val will be:

int val = 5;
int result = val++ * 10;

(1) 0
(2) 15
(3) 50
(4) 60
(5) None of the above

Study the code in SECTION 17 and answer questions 32 and 33.


String canAdvance = "No"; String gameCode = "Tetris"; int levelComplete = 1;

boolean nextLevel = levelComplete >= 1;
boolean play = (game.substring(3,4).equals("i") && nextLevel);

if (play) canAdvance = "Yes";

Question 32
Indicate what the values of nextLevel, play and canAdvance will be.

(1) Error

nextLevel: true play: false
canAdvance: true
(3) nextLevel: true play: true
canAdvance: Yes

(4) nextLevel: true play: true
canAdvance: Yes
(5) nextLevel: false play: false
canAdvance: No

Question 33
True or false? The next section of code can replace the code in section (i) of CODE SECTION 17 and still give the same result?

boolean nextLevel = false; boolean play = false;
if (levelComplete >=1) {nextLevel = true;}
if (gameCode.substring(3,4).equals("i")) {play = true;} if (nextLevel && play) {canAdvance = "Yes";}
(1) True
(2) False

Question 34
Study the code below and indicate what the values will be of totalPoints, place and hasMore.

boolean hasMore = true;
int[] points = {1,2,4,3,2,1};
int place = points.length - 1, totalPoints = 0; while (hasMore)
totalPoints = totalPoints + points[place]; place--;
if (place < 0) hasMore = false;

(1) totalPoints: 12
place: 0 hasMore: false

totalPoints: 13
place: -1 hasMore: false

totalPoints:1 place: 4 hasMore: false

totalPoints: 13
place: 0 hasMore: false

totalPoints: 13
place: -1 hasMore: true

Study the code in CODE SECTION 18 and answer questions 35 to 38 that follow:


String[] services = {"to let","to buy"}; String[] types =

{"house","flat","townhouse","commercial","land", "farm","development"};
char[] spaces = {'1','2','3','4','5','6'};
char[] garages = spaces; char[] parking = spaces;
String bathrooms = new String(spaces);

String[] place = new String[types.length];

String mess = null;
for (int i = 0; i < garages.length; i++){ mess = mess + garages[i];

Question 35
Indicate which one of the following options can replace the array declaration that allocates the values to the array spaces.

(1) char[] spaces = new char[6]; for (int i=0; i<6; i++){
spaces[i] =(char)(i+1);
(2) char[] spaces = new char[6]; for (int i=0; i<6; i++){
spaces[i] = char.valueOf(i+1);
(3) char[] spaces = new char[6]; for (int i=0; i<6; i++){
String val = Integer.toString(i+1); spaces[i] = val.chars();

(4) char[] spaces = new char[6]; for (int i=0; i<6; i++){
String val = Integer.toString(i+1); spaces[i] = val.charAt(0);
(5) None of the above

Question 36
Indicate which one of the following options can replace the array declaration that allocates the values to the array services.

(1) String[] services = new String[2]; services[0] = "to let";
services[1] = "to buy";
(2) String[] services = new String[2];
services[1] = "to let"; services[2] = "to buy";
(3) String[] services = new String[1]; services[0] = "to let"; services[1] = "to buy";

String services[2] = new String[]; services[0] = "to let";
services[1] = "to buy";
(5) String services[2] = new String[];
services[1] = "to let"; services[2] = "to buy";

Question 37
Indicate which one of the following options will initialize the array place by correctly combining the contents of arrays types and services .
The final output for the array place should be:
house:to let:to buy

flat:to let:to buy townhouse:to let:to buy etc....
(1) for (int i=0; i < place.length; i++){ place[i] = types[i] + ":" + services[0]; place[i] = ++services[1];

for (int i=0; i < place.length; i++){
place[i] = types[i] + ":" + services[0] + ":" + services[1];

for (int i=0; i < place.length; i++){ place[i] = types[i] + ":" + services[0]; place[i] = types[i] + ":" + services[1];

for (int i=0; i < place.length; i++){ place[i] = types[i] + ":" + services[0]; place[i] = services[1];
(5) None of the above

Question 38
Indicate what the value of mess will be.

(1) Error message. You cannot add a char value to a String value.
(2) 123456
(3) null123456
(4) ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5, '6'']
(5) [123456]

Question 39

Which one of the following is NOT an example of an exception error that can occur in Java?

(1) A user entered invalid data.
(2) A file that needs to be opened cannot be found.
(3) A network connection has been lost in the middle of communications.
(4) The JVM has run out of memory.
(5) The programmer entered the incorrect code to create a button.

Study the code in CODE SECTION 19 and answer questions 40 to 43 that follow.

public class Utils {

public double subtotal(double a, double b) { return a+b;

public int subtotal(int a, int b){ return a+b;

public int tip(double answerOne) {
return (int) (answerOne * .10);

public float total(double answerOne, int answerTwo) { return (float) (answerOne + answerTwo);

public double total(double answerOne, double answerTwo)
return (float) (answerOne + answerTwo);


public String display(String mess){ return mess.toUpperCase();

public String toString(String mess, double amount){ return mess + " " + amount;


Utils u = new Utils();

int val1 = 40; int val2 = 80;

double answerOne = u.subtotal(val1,val2); int answerTwo = u.tip(answerOne);
int answerThree = (int),answerTwo); String mess = u.toString("tip: R", answerTwo); u.display(mess);

Question 40
Indicate what the value of answerOne will be.

(1) 0
(2) 120
(3) 120.0
(4) Error message - there are more than one method subtotal() in the class

(5) None of the above.

Question 41
Indicate what the value of answerTwo will be.

(1) 0
(2) 12
(3) 12.0
(4) Error message. You cannot cast a double value to an integer.
(5) None of the above.

Question 42
Indicate what the value of answerThree will be.

(1) 0
(2) 132
(3) 132.0
(4) Error message. You cannot cast a float to an integer.
(5) Error message - there is more than one method total() in the class

Question 43
Indicate what the value of mess will be

(1) tip: R 12
(2) tip: R 12.0
(3) TIP: R 12
(4) TIP: R 12.0
(5) Error message. There is not a method that matches:
mess(String, int)in the class Utils.

Study the business rules and code in CODE SECTION 20 and answer question 44 that follows.
In the agency the rules are enforced when a person applies to rent a hotel room oversees:
• The person must have a valid Passport

• A female applicant must be 23 years and older
• A male applicant must be 25 years and older
• The person may not have any outstanding criminal record


boolean passport = getPassport(); int age = getAge();
String MF = getMF();
boolean criminal = getCrim(); boolean valid = false;

Question 44
Which one of the following expression will NOT enforce the rules above?
Assume that all the variables used in the options are declared and initialized correctly.

(1) valid =
((passport ==true) && (criminal==false) &&
(((age>=23) && (MF=="F" ))||( (age>=25) && (MF == "M"))));

valid = ((passport ==true) && (criminal==false) && (((age>=23) && (MF.equals("F") ))||
((age>=25) && (MF.equals("M")))));

valid = ((passport) && !(criminal) && (((age>=23) && (MF.equals("F") ))||
((age>=25) && (MF.equals("M")))));

valid = ((passport ==true) && (criminal==false) && (((age>=23) && (MF.equals("F") ))||
((age>=25) && (MF.equals("M")))));

valid = ((passport =true) && (criminal=false) && (((age>=23) && (MF="F"))||
((age>=25) && (MF = "M"))));

Question 45
The user enters the code below, but an error message is returned. The error is an example of a
type of error.
int[] myArray = {1,2,3}; myArray[4] = 4;
(1) syntax
(2) logic
(3) unchecked exception
(4) checked exception
(5) null-point exception

Question 46
Which one of the following statements describes inheritance correctly?

(1) It allows generic code to be placed in a superclass and more specialized code in subclasses, thus promoting code reuse.
(2) It is used when a subclass is more general than a superclass thereby creating a class hierarchy.
(3) The primary reason for using it is to reduce execution times of programs.
4) Using it reduces errors because you can simply copy and paste code from a superclass to new subclasses.
(5) The primary reason for using it is to make the code more "human" readable.

Question 47
Which one of the following correctly illustrates what a superclass is?

(1) ...a more general class from which other classes derive their methods and data.
(2) ...a more specific class that derives or inherits from another class.
(3) ...a set of classes defined as a set of fields.
(4) ...a child that looks and act like their parents.
(5) None of the above.

Question 48

is the capability of an object to have data and functionality available to the user, without the user having to understand the implementation within the object.

(1) Aggregation
(2) Encapsulation
(3) Inheritance
(4) Polymorphism
(5) Visibility

Question 49
Which one of the following statements explains the contents of activity_main.xml file in an Android application project?

(1) It contains information about the sound and image files used in the application.
(2) It contains information about the default Graphical User Interface of the application.
(3) It contains the code of the class MainActivity.
(4) It contains a summary of all the setup information of the application.
(5) It contains a summary of all the XML files used in the application.

Question 50
In an Android project the folder includes the resource files (images, music and videos) for the project.

(1) assets
(2) bin
(3) gen
(4) res
(5) src

Programming Language, Programming

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