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1. Introduction
1.1 Assignment Requirement
1.2 Deliverables and Structure (what to submit)
1.3 Software Restrictions
1.4 How to score high...
1.5 Assumptions
2. System Requirements
2.1 General Requirements
2.1.1 User Interface
2.1.2 Data Files
2.1.2 External Hardware
2.2 Data Requirements
2.2.1 Categories
2.2.2 Products
2.2.6 Members
2.3 Functional Requirements
2.3.1 Payments during checkout
2.3.2 Member Registration
2.3.3 New Products Entry
2.3.4 Category Addition
2.3.5 Buying a product
2.3.6 Reporting
2.4 File Formats and Sample data
2.4.1 Categories
2.4.2 Members
2.4.3 Products
2.4.5 Transactions
2.4.6 Discounts and offers
2.4.7 Vendors
2.4.8 Storekeepers
2.4.9 Sample file

1. Introduction
To show your ability to create an object-oriented program, you will construct the Java application as detailed in this document.
Your work will be assessed not only on the basis of how well the program works, but also on how closely you have fulfilled the specification, how well you have structured your code. You are advised to spend some quality time in team discussions to determine a suitable design.

1.1 Assignment Requirement
Your solution should demonstrate the following. You would each be individually assessed on your solution and would be required to establish your learning and understanding of the items stated in this section with adequate theoretical/technical explanations and demonstration of codes and other artefacts during your presentation;

Req-1: Strong understanding of Programming concepts
a. Appropriate and correct use of language (java) constructs
b. Efficient development of algorithms and optimal use of looping constructs
c. Proper structured code using static methods, constants and libraries
d. Creation of appropriate classes based on case study description

Req-2: Create solution design based on case study specifications described here
a. Evidence of your analysis of the case description to derive appropriate design specifications using class diagrams and other UML notations.
b. Define classes in java that would demonstrate accessors, modifiers, instance methods, constructors

Req-3: Comprehensive Solution Development
a. System building using concepts of aggregation of classes.
b. Based needs demonstrate the use of appropriate collections (eg: arraylist, hashmap, iterators etc.)
c. Craft reusable method signatures with appropriate arguments and return values using wrapper classes.
d. Demonstrate aggregative operations on collection using build in libraries

Req-4: Advanced OOP concepts
a. Build class hierarchies with OO inheritance and interfaces
b. Use of appropriate over-riding and over-loading of methods
c. Demonstrate polymorphic class behaviour and late binding

Req-5: UI principles
a. Use of appropriate visual components
b. Event driven programming with exception handling.

Req-6: Competence in Advanced concepts
a. Use of generics
b. Identification and use of design patterns
c. Practices for error free coding including exception handling, error messaging through unit and system level testing.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Java, Programming

  • Category:- Java
  • Reference No.:- M93135855
  • Price:- $45

Priced at Now at $45, Verified Solution

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