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For each of the following problems, give the revised table definition.  You should support your definitions with the explanation of why you made the changes. Explanation should be specific to current problem, not just a general explanation.

For EACH and EVERY table (including intermediate ones) you SHOULD underline the primary key AND list all the FDs.


Given the following table definition and FD constraints.

Shipment (ShipNum, ShipperName, ShipperContact, ShipperFax, PackageNum, PackDepartureDate, PackArrivalDate, PackDestinaltionCity, PackShipCost, InsuranceValue, InsurerCompany, InsurerAddress)

FDs = {ShipNum → ShipperName, ShipperContact, ShipperFax
PackageNum → PackDepartureDate, PackArrivalDate, PackDestinationCity, PackShipCost, InsuranceValue, InsurerCompany InsurerCompany → InsurerAddress }

Notes: A shipper can be shipping more than one package but each package has only one shipper.
a) Based on FDs above, what is the primary key of the table?
b) Is the table definition in 1NF? Why or why not? If not, convert the table to 1NF table(s).
c) Is/are the table(s) in 2NF? Why or why not? If not, convert the table(s) to table(s) that are in 2NF. describe why they are now in 2NF?
d) Are the tables in 3NF? Why or why not? If not, convert table to 3NF. describe why they are now in 3NF?
e) List all of the foreign keys in problem 1d. Identify them by table name and state which table(s) and corresponding attribute(s) they relate to

problem2) NIU trucking wants to keep track of all of its truck and their base cities.  Given the following relation, produce a normalized set of relations which are normalized up through 3rd normal form.

TRUCK (TruckNum, TruckType, TypeDesc, TruckMiles, DatePurchased, TruckSerialNum, BaseCity, BaseState, BasePhone, BaseManagerName, ManagerPhone, BasePhone)

Business rules:
•    A truck is based at a single base.
•    A base can be the base for many trucks.

a) List ALL FDs for the table which hold based upon the descriptions of the constraints above.
b) Is the table definition in 1NF?  Why or why not?  If not, convert the table to 1NF table(s).
c) Is/are the table(s) in 2NF?  Why or why not?  If not, convert the table(s) to table(s) that are in 2NF.  describe why they are now in 2NF? 

d) Are the tables in 3NF?  Why or why not?  If not, convert the table to 3NF.  describe why they are now in 3NF?

e) List all of the foreign keys in problem 2d.  Identify them by the table name and state which table(s) and corresponding attribute(s) they relate to.


Ace Manufacturing constructs products for sale.  Each product is identified by a serial number.  Each product is constructed from many other parts which are purchased from a variety of vendors.  Given the following relation, produce a normalized set of relations which are normalized up through 3rd normal form.  Note: in the following relation the prefix Prod indicates Product, Comp indicates Component and Vend indicates Vendor.

Manufacture(ProdSerialNum, ProdName, ProdType, ProdTypeName, Component(CompSerialNum, CompType, CompName, Vendor(VendCode, VendName, VendAddress, CompPrice)* )*, ProdPrice)

Business Rules:
•    Ace Manufacturing constructs many products.
•    A product is classified as a certain type.
•    A product is made up of components. 
•    Each component can be supplied by many different vendors.
•    A vendor’s components may be found in many different products.
•    Each vendor may charge a different price for the same component.

a) List ALL the FDs for the table that hold based upon the descriptions of the constraints above.
b) Is the table definition in 1NF?  Why or why not?  If not, convert the table to 1NF table(s).
c) Is/are the table(s) in 2NF?  Why or why not?  If not, convert the table(s) to table(s) that are in 2NF.  describe why they are now in 2NF? 
d) Are the tables in 3NF?  Why or why not?  If not, convert the table to 3NF.  describe why they are now in 3NF?
e) List all of the foreign keys in problem 3d.  Identify them by the table name and state which table(s) and corresponding attribute(s) they relate to.


Given the following table definition and constraints:
R (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J)

    FD = {A,B,C,D     → E, F, G, H, I J
             B, C, D       → E, F
             A                → G, H, I, J
             E                → F
             H, I            → J }

a) Based on the FDs above, what is the primary key of the table?
b) Is the table definition in 1NF?  Why or why not?  If not, convert the table to 1NF table(s).
c) Is/are the table(s) in 2NF?  Why or why not?  If not, convert the table(s) to table(s) that are in 2NF.  describe why they are now in 2NF? 
d) Are the tables in 3NF?  Why or why not?  If not, convert the table to 3NF.  describe why they are now in 3NF?
e) List all of the foreign keys in problem 4d.  Identify them by the table name and state which table(s) and corresponding attribute(s) they relate to.

DBMS, Programming

  • Category:- DBMS
  • Reference No.:- M9451

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