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INSERT INTO command:

  • Values can be inserted for all columns or for the selected columns
  • Values can be given by sub query.
  • In place of values parameter substitution can also be used with insert.
  • If records are not available for all the columns, then the column list must be contained following the table name.


Example:Insert the employee numbers, an increment amount of Rs.500/- and the increment date-today (which is being entered through function SYSDATE) of all the managers into a table INCR (increment due table) from the employee file.


Example: Insert values in a table using parameter substitution (& operator is used for it 1, 2 are the field numbers).

INSERT INTO EMP #VALUES (&1,'&2','&3', &4, &5, &6,NULL, &7);

Please note these values required to be supplied at run time.

UPDATE Command: Syntax is UPDATE = WHERE ;

DBMS, Programming

  • Category:- DBMS
  • Reference No.:- M9527398

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