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Implement a class Book ( A book will have three instance variables: a title (a String, for example: "Big Java" or "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"), an author (a String, for example: "Cay Horstmann" or "Douglas Adams") and a price (a double, for example: 80.00 or 24.99). The class must include a:

  • Default constructor,
  • Parameterized constructor with three parameters (title, author, and price),
  • Accessor method to return the title,
  • Accessor method to return the author,
  • Accessor method to return the price,
  • Mutator method to set the title,
  • Mutator method to set the author,
  • Mutator method to set the price.

Implement a driver program ( to test out all the constructors and methods of your class as follows:

  • Create at least two Book objects, one using the default constructor and one using the parameterized constructor.
  • Use themutatormethods to set the title, author, and price for the Book object that was created using the default constructor.
  • Use theaccessormethods to get information that is then printed in sentences containing the author, title, and price of each book. An example sentence might be, "The Big Java book by CayHorstmanncosts $69.99." (Note that some of the information in this string comes from the values of your instance fields and the rest is text that you supply.

Document your Book class completely, using the appropriate Javadoc tags in your code. Include comments for the class, instance fields, and all methods. Use the JavaDocutility to generate an HTML documentation page for your Book class. In grading your project, we will generate the JavaDoc file from your source code file, so you do not have to turn it in.

You should have three files for this project:                     The Book class that has all the constructors and methods               A driver program to test your Book class
    Book.html                     The documentation file generated from your Book class

Java, Programming

  • Category:- Java
  • Reference No.:- M9526377

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