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Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) Super League

The FAZ has recently decided to reorganise their operations to support both existing and possibly expanded league operations in Zambia and part of preparation for the 2014 FIFA World Cup. To facilitate this reorganisation and expansion, the Client has outlined a need to improve their current operational system to embrace the opportunities provided by contemporary information technology.

The software to be developed (henceforth referred to as the "Chipolopolo League System") is to facilitate the operations of the League Manager. The Chipolopolo League System is to be developed in database management system (DBMS).

The system shall:

- Allow an operator to enter and maintain the details of all registered football players
- Allow an operator to maintain details of leagues made up of teams
- Allow to enter the scores of the teams after playing their games
- Store the details of all games so that they can be recalled at a subsequent time.
- Display, at any time, a ladder, listing the teams in decreasing order of points scored for a league specified by the user.
- Allows a user, at any time, to obtain a number of pre-defined reports.
- The system should store all results so that it can be closed down and restarted, without loss of data, between games.

There are two useful classifications of the future user community of the Chipolopolo League System:
- The League Officials, most particularly the League Manager, who will have access to the Chipolopolo League System, where they can add, delete and modify player information, enter results etc.
- The Members of the Public, who may wish to access the system to see scores of previous matches, as well as viewing various result reports (eg, League Tables), but will not be permitted to add, delete or modify system entries.

During the course of the requirements elicitation process you made the assumptions that the teams in a league will not be altered during a season.

The system shall perform the following tasks:
- Player Management.
- Team Management.
- League Competition Management.
- Match Scheduling.
- Game Scoring and Score Management.
- Login Security Management.
- Database Management (including data storage and backup).

The detailed specifications are:
Player Management
The system shall support the following features:
- Add new players.
- Delete existing players.
- Update player information.
- Search for players based on various criteria.
Add New Players
The system shall collect the following information about the various players:
- Name.
- Gender.
- Date of Birth.
- Address.
- Home/Work Telephone Numbers.
- Payment Amount.
- Name of Team (if known).
- Players numbers (system assigned).
- Scores scored in season
- Date joined League.
- Date joined Team
Delete Existing Players

The system shall remove all information as outlined in section 1.1.1 regarding a player, when they relinquish their membership to the league.
Update Player Information

The system shall allow all information as outlined in section 1.1.1 regarding a player to be updated Search for Players

The system, when given full or partial details, shall retrieve individual or multiple player details based upon the following criteria:
- Name.
- Gender.
- Date of Birth.
- Address.
- Home/Work Telephone Numbers.
- Financial status.
- Name of Team.
- Player number.
- Date Joined League.
Team Management

The system shall support the following features:
- Add new teams.
- Delete existing teams.
- Update team information.
- Search for teams based on various criteria.

1. The system should ensure that teams have a minimum of 11 players and a maximum of 20 players registered with the League.
Add New Teams
The system shall collect the following information about the various teams:
- Team name.
- Team players entered in the season and reserves.
- Application for league competition level.
- Actual league competition level.
- Contact name.
- Contact address.
- Contact Home/Work telephone numbers.
- Is the contact a team member?

Delete Existing Teams
The system shall remove all information as outlined in section 1.2.1 regarding a team, when they disband.
Updating Team Information
The system shall allow the following information to be modified for the various teams:
- Team name.
- Team members.
- League competition level.
- Contact name.
- Contact address.
- Contact Home/Work telephone numbers.
- Is the contact a team member?
Search of Teams
The system, when given full or partial details, shall retrieve the team/s details based upon the following
- Team name.
- Team members (players).
- Application for league competition level.
- Actual league competition level.
- Contact name.
- Contact address.
- Contact Home/Work telephone numbers.
- Is the contact a team member?
League Competition Management
The system shall support the following features:
- Creation of a league.
- Allow the league to be given a name.
- Maintain league ladder.
League Ladder
The system shall at any time produce a league ladder with the following characteristics:
- User to specify which league the ladder is to be produced for.
- List teams in decreasing order by points scored.
- The ladder shall be stored in a form so it may be subsequently printed.
- The ladder shall include the following details:
- League name.
- Date.
- Number indicating the team placing.
- Team name.
- Number of match wins.
- Number of matches lost.
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- Number of matches drawn.
- Number of goals scored
- Number of goals allowed
- The total number of Points.
1. If two or more teams have the identical number of points; then use goal differences to determine the
position on the ladder.
2. If two or more teams have an identical number of points and have same goal difference then the teams
shall be listed alphabetically by name.
Match Scheduling
The system shall support the following features:
- Generate a fixture of matches between teams for the season.
- Accept a start date and schedule matches from this date onwards at weekly intervals.
1. Each team is to play each other team in their league twice in a season.
Fixture Generation
The system shall generate a fixture with the following details
- League name.
- Season, ie "FAZ Super League 2011".
- A date column
- A Match A column.
- A Match B column.
Game Scoring and Score Management
The system shall support the following features:
- Provide entering of scores for each player and team after the game is played.
- Provide a display of the score after the game is played.
- Allow correction of the score at any stage during the season.
- Details of all games shall be stored so they can be recalled at a later stage.
- Determine which team wins the match.
- Apportion points at the end of a match, to the competing teams in the following manner:
- Two points to the team winning the match.
- One point to each team in a draw.
- Zero points to the team losing the match.
1. If two or more teams have the identical number of points; then use goal differences to determine the
position on the ladder.
2. If two or more teams have an identical number of points and have same goal difference then the teams
shall be listed alphabetically by name.
3. The system in its presented version shall accept scores via keyboard input only.
Login Security Management
The system shall support the following features:
- Provide password and login name protection, to enable access to the system.
- Provide the user the ability to change their current password.
Note: Before a password can be changed, the system will need to validate the old password and verify the
entering of the changed password twice before accepting.

Database Management

The system shall support the following features:
- The system shall save all data, such that the computer can be shut down and restarted without loss of data.
- Text files shall be used for the database.

Report Management
The system shall provide the following features:
- Produce various reports.
- Store reports in a form, which can be subsequently printed.

Reporting options
The system shall provide the user with the ability to produce the following reports:
- Details of all teams in a particular league.
- Details of all players in a particular league.
- Players listed in descending order of average points per game.

DBMS, Programming

  • Category:- DBMS
  • Reference No.:- M93129576
  • Price:- $110

Guranteed 48 Hours Delivery, In Price:- $110

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