Design and implement a C++ program and structure diagram for the following specification.
In this assignment you need to demonstrate writing and calling functions, and the use of arrays, including arrays as function parameters and a two dimensional array. The assessment of your program will be based mainly on (but may not be limited to) the following aspects:
- Source code compiles and links ("builds") without any errors or (significant) warnings.
- Source code is correctly formatted and adequately commented.
- Uses appropriate variable names and named constants, and uses from the cmath library.
- The main function is correctly structured, including a program title.
- Function calls are made correctly.
- Arrays are used correctly.
- User input to the program is correctly validated.
- Program calculations are correct.
- Program title and user input are displayed.
- Circuit type is correctly find outd and displayed.
- The table of calculation results has a heading and is well formatted.
The assessment of the structure diagram will be based mainly on the following aspects:
- Drawn with the Structure Diagram program and correct file type submitted.
- Diagram is complete and matches the program submitted.
- Diagram is NOT excessively detailed.
The diagram should show the program structure. It should show all function, if and loop statements. Sequences of assignment statements should be grouped in a single box, and described such as “find out voltages”. Technical formulas are not required in the diagram.
Program Specification:
prepare a program to find out the component voltages for the following series resonant RLC circuit.

The input voltage will be a step voltage that is 0 volt before time t = 0 and Vin volt after time t = 0.
We will assume Vin is 10V.
Electrical Theory:
The behaviour of the circuit depends on the values of the circuit components: resistance R, inductance L and capacitance C. We will assume R is always present in the circuit (R > 0), but that either the L or C or both L and C could be absent. Different formulas apply in each case. Your program will find out and display the voltages across each of the components present in the circuit at 101 equally spaced times from time t = 0 until time t = tmax. The time step will be tmax/100.
Program Inputs
When the program is run, the input function will allow the user to enter:
- Resistance R in kΩ, must be greater than zero.
- Inductance L in mH, must be greater than or equal to zero.
- Capacitance C in nF, must be greater than or equal to zero. (Note that the zero value iindicates the capacitor is absent. This does not mean the capacitance is zero.)
- The maximum time for which the calculations are to be performed tmax in µs.