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Create a Java application that implements use of an int array. Use for loops to iterate through the array using the array's length variable to stay within the array bounds. Fill the array with random numbers and print the array.

Continue to properly document your source code. Write this program as if you were explaining it to someone new to arrays. Fully document your code in such a way newcomers to Java will understand and be able to implement a Java array. Your grade on this assignment will be based on your thoroughness of documentation as well as your correctness of code.

Compile and run your program until it works and the output looks nice. Add the necessary documentation as described in Course Documents, and then attach your .java file to this assignment. Do not attach the .class file, attach only the .java source code.

Java, Programming

  • Category:- Java
  • Reference No.:- M92374272
  • Price:- $10

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