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Assignment: Players Management System

This assignment aims to establish a basic familiarity with the JDK development system and its associated on-line Java API class documentation. Students should apply the appropriate fundamental programming concepts (such as variables, constants, arrays, strings, methods, selection and repetition constructs etc.) and make use of appropriate Java API classes (such as Scanner, PrintWriter, String etc.) that they have learnt to solve the given problem.

On completion of this assignment a student should be able to write simple Java application that:
- Makes use of selection and repetition constructs to achieve desired outcomes
- Stores data to and reads data from arrays
- Generates output to and reads input from the console window
- Reads data from and writes data to text file
- Manipulates string using Java API "String" class
- Handles basic errors
- Applies object-oriented concepts

This assignment is based on individual effort. You are required to design, develop and test a user accounts management system for a game application.

Besides providing the required functionalities, your program should incorporate appropriate error handling. Comments are also to be inserted to improve program clarity. Before you start coding your program, you are strongly advised to carry out proper problem analysis and program design. You are required to use JDK 1.5 developer version or later.

This application allows the admin to

1. Admin login

2. Create a player

3. Delete a player

4. Top up player's chips

5. Search and display players by following filters
   a. Expired Membership
   b. Membership expired within one month
       i. Option to export the player list to a file.
   c. Player with less than X amount of chips
       i. Option to export the player list to a file.
6. Change admin password

7. Admin logout

This application will have access to two text files.

The first text file (admin.dat) contains the administrator-hashed password (SHA-256).

The second text file (players.dat) contains the player's information in the following format
The expiry dateis in YYYY-MM-DD format

Error Handling
Your program should be able to handle error situations. For example where a player login name already existed (for Create a player) or player login name not found (for delete player). You should look out for other possible exceptions and handle them too.

For Export players information requirement, the program should produce a file (playersData.dat) with the following format:

CSCI213 Players Management System
Players with less than 100 chips

Player 1
Name: Jason Tan
Expiry date: 2019-1-18
Login Id : BlackRanger
Balance Chips:90

Player 2
Name: Mary Tey
Expiry date: 2019-2-22
Login Id : BlueKnight
Balance Chips:80

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Java, Programming

  • Category:- Java
  • Reference No.:- M92376225
  • Price:- $70

Guranteed 36 Hours Delivery, In Price:- $70

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