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Assignment: Lab Overview


Part A: You have been asked to create a database model using MS Visio Database Model Diagram Template. The purpose of this Lab is to provide experience designing, with limited instructions, a simple database based on a list of data requirements and associated business rules.

Upon completing this Lab, you will be able to

• create a new Visio file for database design; and

• using the data requirements and the business rules provided, develop a conceptual model (ERD), including attribute data types and required field lengths.

Part B: The Lab begins with a simple example of query development using Access; then, evolves to more complex queries which the student should perform after completing the first exercise. Create a query using the wizard with query-design view or with SQL statements. The Northwind (NWind) database will be used again in this Lab.

Upon completing this lab, you should be able to

• create a query by following lab instruction;
• create a query by using either Query Designer or Query Wizard;
• create a query by using SQL statements; and
• interpret the results of queries.


Part A: YourNameLab4A.vsdx (Visio Diagram)

Part B: YourName_Lab4B_Finital.accdb (Access Database)

Required Software

Microsoft Office: Word 2013, Visio 2013, and Access 2013

Options for accessing the software:

1. Use a personal copy on your PC. You can request a copy of Microsoft Office 2013 via the Student Software Store icon on the Course Resources Page. Microsoft Office is located on the Students tab and all other Microsoft products, such as Visio and Access, are located on the DreamSparks tab.

2. If you are a MAC user, click to read the MAC User Information.

3. DeVry virtual lab environment to access all Microsoft Office software. For additional information about the virtual lab and how to save files, the Lab icon on the Course Resources page.

Lab Steps

STEP 1: Complete the Week 4a and 4b Labs

Download and complete the Lab Instructions.

• To begin the Lab download the Lab starter file.

DBMS, Programming

  • Category:- DBMS
  • Reference No.:- M92393668
  • Price:- $30

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