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Windows Server 2012 - Installation

To give students hand-on experience in
- Installing Windows Server 2012 R2
- VirtualBox environment will be used

Perform post-installation settings, such as
- Change computer name
- Change workgroup
- Enable remote desktop
- Replacing CMD with Powershell
- Perform post-installation checklist

Document the newly installed machine

Creating a Virtual Box Machine

Selecting the Windows 2012 type will default all the settings to the recommended Microsoft requirement for you, but it is not necessary

Adding the disc image

RAM is defaulted to 2048mb/2GB but can be increased to 4Gb

You'll be prompted to select an existing virtual hard-drive, create a new one, or not use one at all. Select "Create a virtual hard drive now", then "VDI" and "Dynamically Allocated"

Select your ISO from the local directory

Install Windows Server 2012 R2

The Virtual Machine creation process is finished. Close the setting window, then click on the green start button as indicated.

It should automatically boot into the Windows Server 2012 R2 installation process

Select the correct language and time/currency setting

Enter one of the generic key below, depending on the version you have. Evaluation version of Windows Server 2012 R2 has it prefilled for youPartitioning

On a live system, you may have a different partitioning scheme. But for this installation, just click next, Windows will create the necessary partitions for you


• Windows Server 2012 R2 is now installing. It will reboot twice before finishing up and allowing you to configure it. The process takes around 25-30 minutes
• Don't press any key after either reboot, or you'll be booting into the DVD image


Fill in the necessary

(Note: VirtualBox may not capture your Ctrl-Alt-Delete. Use the combo Host-Del instead.
The default Host key is Right CTRL. Alternatively, you can click on the Machine menu, then Insert CTRL-ALT- DELETE)

• To insert the guest addition CD, press Host-D, or go into Devices -> Insert Guess Additions CD
• Follow the wizard, selecting Yes when asked to trust the device driver
• Reboot as indicated by the installer• Open post-installation checklist for Windows Server 2012 on Week-2 of ITSA1001 on
• Check with the check-list for the tasks we have not
performed and document them.
• Perform the undone tasks except joining a domain and
windows update task.
- We will turn this server to a domain controller later so we will not perform the joining domain task.
- We will not do any update now because our system is not a
production system.
• For IP network configuration, choose a static IP address of mask

• Record date, time
• Record the server hardware details (see VM settings)
• Record the server name and workgroup
• Record Administrator password
• Record the server network settings e.g. IP address, mask, DNS server etc.
• Record the list of tasks that have been performed according to
the checklist and the results e.g. OK or any error.
• Record the list of tasks that have not been done and the reasons
• Record the server status at the time you have done everything
e.g. running normally or any observable issues.

Computer Network & Security, Computer Science

  • Category:- Computer Network & Security
  • Reference No.:- M92412410
  • Price:- $30

Priced at Now at $30, Verified Solution

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