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Operating System:

Operating system (abbreviated as "OS") is the program that, after being primarily loaded into the computer by a boot program, administers all the other programs in a computer. The other programs are termed as applications or application programs. Application programs make use of the operating system by making requests for services via a defined application program interface (API). Moreover, users can interact directly with the operating system via a user interface like a command language or a graphical user interface (abbreviated as GUI).

Operating system executes these services for applications:

A) In a multitasking operating system where multiple programs can be running at similar time, the operating system determines which applications must run in what order and how much time must be permitted for each application before giving other application a turn.

B) This manages the allocation of internal memory among multiple applications.

C) It holds input and output to and from attached hardware devices, like printers, hard disks, and dial-up ports.

D) It sends messages to each and every application or interactive user or to a system operator regarding the status of operation and any errors which might have risen.

E) It can off-load the management of what are termed batch jobs (for illustration, printing) sand hence the initiating application is free from this work.

F) On computers which can give parallel processing, an operating system can administer how to divide the program and hence it runs on more than one processor at a time.

G) All main computer platforms (that is, hardware and software) need and sometimes comprise an operating system. Linux, VMS, OS/400, Windows 2000, AIX, and z/OS are all illustrations of operating systems.

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Computer Science,Operating System

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