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Data Communication:

Data communication is stated as a subset of telecommunication including the transmission of data to and from computers and mechanism of computer systems. More particularly the data communication is transmitted through mediums like wires, fiber optics, coaxial cables, or radiated electromagnetic waves like broadcast radio, microwaves, infrared light, and by satellites.

Methods of Data Communication:

There are two possible methods of sending data from the sender to receiver:

Parallel Transmission:

In parallel transmission each and every bit of character or data has a separate channel and each bits of a character are transmitted concurrently. In this the transmission is parallel character-by-character.

Serial Transmission:

In serial transmission, the data is sent as 1 bit at a time containing a signal channel for the whole bit.

Modes of Data Communication:

The mode in which the data is transmitted from one position to other position is termed as data transmission mode. There are three modes for transmitting data from one position to the other. These are as follows:


  • Half Duplex
  • Simplex Mode

•    Full Duplex

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