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Algorithm design is a precise technique to create a arithmetical process in solving the problems. The applied algorithm design is the algorithm engineering.

The Algorithm design is identified and included into the many solution theories of the operation research, such as the dynamic programming and the divide-and-conquer. The techniques for designing and implementing the algorithm designs are the algorithm design patterns, such the decorator pattern and as the template method pattern, and uses of the data structures, and the name and sort the lists. Some current day uses of the algorithm design can be found in the internet retrieval processes of the web crawling, caching and packet routing.

The mainframe programming languages such as the ALGOL (for the Algorithmic language), COBOL, FORTRAN, SAIL, PL/I and the SNOBOL are the computing tools to implement an "algorithm design" but, an "algorithm design" is not a language. An algorithm design can be the hand written process, e.g. a series of mechanical processes, the set of equations done by the hand, an analog piece of the equipment, or the digital process and/or the processor.

One of the most significant aspects of the algorithm design is creating an algorithm that has a proficient run time, also recognized as its big Oh.


1)Definition of the problem

2)Development of the model

3)Specification of the Algorithm in well-manner.

4)Design an Algorithm for the problem

5)Checking the accuracy of the Algorithm

6)Analysis of the Algorithm

7)Implementation of the Algorithm in detail

8)Perform a testing process in the program

9)Preparation of the Documentation


An Algorithms can be expressed in many kinds of the notation, including the natural languages, flowcharts, pseudocode, programming languages , drakon-charts or the control tables. The Natural language expressions of the algorithms tend to be ambiguous and verbose and are rarely used for the complex or the technical algorithms. The flowcharts, Pseudocode, control tables and drakon-charts are structured the ways to express the algorithms that avoid many of ambiguities common in the natural language statements. The Programming languages are mainly intended for the expressing algorithms in a form that can be executed by a computer system, but are often used as a way to define or the document algorithms.

The representations of the algorithms can be classified into the three accepted levels of the Turing machine description:

1)The High-level description: The "...prose to describe the algorithm, it ignoring implementation details. At this level we do not require to mention how a machine manages its tape or the head."

2)Implementation description:  "...prose used to define method Turing machine uses its head and a way that it stores the data on its tape. At this level we do not give the details of the states or the transition function."

3)Formal description: The most detailed, "lowest level", provides a Turing machine's "state table".


1)Written in well-ordered: The steps are written in a clear order.

2)Unambiguous: Operations described are understood by the computing agent without further the simplification.

3)Effectively computable: A computing agent can essentially bring out operations.


1.To state the problems you are trying to solve in concise and clear terms.

2.List the inputs and the outputs (where what the algorithm will create as a outcome)

3.Explain the steps needed to manipulate or convert the inputs to create the outputs.

First, start at a high level, and keep the refining steps until they are successfully computable for the operations.

4.Test the algorithm: choose the data sets and confirm that your algorithm is working.

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