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Computer Architecture:

The term "architecture" usually refers to building design and construction. In computing world, "architecture" refers to the design, however rather than buildings; it explains the design of computer systems. Computer architecture is a wide topic that comprises everything from the relationship among multiple computers (like a "client-server" model) to specific components within a computer.

The most significant kind of hardware design is system's processor architecture. The design of the processor finds out what software can execute on the computer and what other hardware components are supported. For illustration, Intel's x86 processor architecture is the standard architecture employed  by most PCs. By employing this design, computer manufacturers can make machines which comprise different hardware components, however run similar software.

The architecture of motherboard is too significant in determining what hardware or software a computer system will support. The motherboard design is frequently termed as the "chipset" and states what processor models and other components will work with the motherboard. For illustration, while two motherboards might support x86 processors, one might only work with newer processor models. A newer chipset might also need faster RAM and a different kind of video card than an older model.

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