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Aims and Objective:
• Introduce students to real networks plans and design using cisco packet tracer.
• Understand the relationship between different network components and the flow of data among them.
• Understand different networks services and protocols.

Assignment Description:
Two organizations (universities, hospitals, airports, etc), which are geographically separated, wish to build their own computer networks and be able to connect and communication with each other. Each organization consists of many departments (e.g. Finance, Admin, Services, IT, etc). Your team is asked to design the computer networks for both organizations and show your plan and design using cisco packet tracer.

The requirements are:
•    Each department in the organization will have its own LAN.
•    The Network of the organization should support wireless connection.
•    All LANs in the organization should be connected to the outside world viaa single Gateway (router).
•    The physical plan should show that network is well organized into rooms and offices.
•    Each network should provide mailing service.
•    Each network will have its own website hosted locally.
•    Users in one network should be able to communicate via emails with users of the other network and vice versa.
•    Users should be able to access the website of their network and the website of the other network.

Assignment requirements:
• Deliver a packet tracer file which contains your plan and design that satisfy the networks requirements for both organizations.
• A report describes your plan and design, the specifications, the services, the data flow and communications.

Computer Network & Security, Computer Science

  • Category:- Computer Network & Security
  • Reference No.:- M9329

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