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(a) Explain, with the aid of a diagram, a Star topology of a network of your choice.

(b) Illustrate on the use of a MAN and give an example of one.

(c) Describe the functionality of a router

(d) Show the improvements over HTTP 1.0 which has led to HTTP 1.1.

(e) HTTP gives different methods for loading information from a client to a web server, namely: Post, Get and Head. Justify the use of each method.

(f) A cookie is used to maintain the "State" of an HTTP transaction. Explain the content of such a cookie.

(g) You have been hired as a consultant in network administration for the setting up of a campus wide LAN for the UTM campus. Each department in the campus can have its own LAN, running its own services, resources, control policies and security measures.

Telecommunication service provider has allocated an IP Address of and Subnet Mask of to the campus. Determine all possible range of IP Addresses that will be worked out from these two values. Show the details of your working out the addresses.

Computer Network & Security, Computer Science

  • Category:- Computer Network & Security
  • Reference No.:- M9584991

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