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Networking Assignment

As part of the formal assessment for the HNC/D programme you are required to submit an assignment for each module. Refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments.

After completing the module you should be able to:

1. Understanding of the networking principles including the role of networks, types of network systems, network standards, topologies, communications theory and protocols.

2. Understanding of networking components including hardware and software, servers and clients (workstations).

3. Ability to design networked systems including an application of the principles of bandwidth, user expectations, communications requirements, scalability, and selection of components.

4. Ability to implement and support networked systems including installation and configuration of devices and media, testing of systems and user access, policy review, monitoring and maintenance.

Each task in the assignment assesses a number of these outcomes, as listed at the end of each task.


The Scottish Youth Hostelling Association provides basic accommodation throughout the country for holiday makers, tourists, outdoor enthusiasts and anyone else who wishes to stay for a short time. They have hostels of all sizes and locations from a few beds in an old croft cottage on a remote island to vast city centre establishments with 300 beds. They also affiliate a number of independent hostels providing central booking and reservations as well as advertising on their web site. More information can be found at The larger hostels provide computer facilities for their guests including PCs with Internet connections, Wi-Fi connection to the Internet for guests own computers and smart phones and local printing for tourist information, maps, weather forecasts etc. Some of these facilities are charged whilst others are free, depending on the local manager's policy.

Like all modern businesses, the SYHA uses IT to manage and run its hostels, with on-line bookings, on-line check-in desks and the usual range of office applications being used in the hostels. They have their headquarters in Stirling (look it up) which is a standard office based business.

Note: The SYHA is a real organisation and they do have their headquarters in Stirling. Although the places are real, the rest of the scenario is not. You must use the information provided in this assignment specification to answer the questions. If anything, you find out about the real SYHA is different from that presented here, then you must use the information presented here. Reality has been changed to provide a suitable scenario for the assignment. In particular, DO NOT contact the SYHA about this assignment. They will not know what you are talking about. If you have any questions about this assignment, contact the tutor.

Assignment Task

Task 1 Workstation selection - Guideline 400 words

The SYHA are going to buy new computers for their staff. The term "computer" is taken in a broad context and can include anything from a smart phone to a full desktop system. Select and justify an appropriate computer for use by each of the following:

1. An office based (desk based) secretary whose main job involves standard office applications and tasks such as word processing, spread sheets and database access.

2. An SYHA Regional Manager whose job involves travelling around the hostels checking on their condition and management as well as publicising the SYHA through local schools, tourist conferences etc. They require standard office applications plus the ability to access the SYHA office network remotely, possibly from places where there is no Wi-Fi or wired Ethernet connection.

You must give generic specifications first and then identify exact products to buy for each of the two different types of user. Clearly show how these devices would meet the users' different requirements above. Clearly show how each of the new computers would connect to an appropriate network to eventually reach the SYHA office network.

Task 2 Required services - Guideline 400 words

Identify the key services that would be required on the SYHA office network for staff to connect to it and use both local and Internet facilities. This should include local services provided by the SYHA network and those provided by the Internet Service Provider (ISP). Remember to include both user services (i.e. applications based services like e-mail) and background services (such as addressing services). Your answer should be specific to using the SYHA's facilities. Generic discussions will score low marks.

Task 3 Remote Connection to the SYHA Network - Guideline 700 words

Use CISCO Packet Tracer to model the connection used during the Regional Manager's communication with the SYHA network from a remote location. You should consider all layers of the protocol stack and all connections that are used from their computer to the SYHA network server. You should include all the likely connection technologies in your diagram and name each protocol that is used. With reference to your diagram, starting from the application layer, briefly outline what each particular protocol does in this example. It is very important that your answer fits this example and is not just a generic description of the protocols. Your answer should be written about the actual protocols used but also include the identification of which OSI layer each protocol operates at. You may assume that there is a suitable 3G signal available at the remote site and must include the 3G connection in your diagram and a discussion on 3G in your answer.

CISCO Packet Tracer. You have to register as a self-study user, which is free. Just follow the link "Enroll to Download Packet Tracer", enroll on the free Introduction to Packet Tracer course and follow the instructions to download packet tracer. This package is straight forward to use, with an intuitive drag and drop interface. The initial CISCO course you enroll on is free and is a good introduction to Packet Tracer. There are plenty of other tutorials on Packet Tracer available on line as well.

Task 4 Evaluation - Guideline 400 words

Once the new system is installed, it will need to be evaluated to ensure that it is meeting the needs of the users. Focussing specifically on the Regional Manager, devise a ONE PAGE questionnaire that will gather appropriate user feedback. It is up to you to decide what information you should gather from the Regional Manager. They are very busy people and will not appreciate wasting time on things that are not relevant, so each question should include ONE SENTENCE to explain why the question is relevant.

Task 5 Systems Setup Screen shots - Guideline 300 words plus screen shots

Provide a set of screen shots showing:

a) The setting up of an IP address on Windows or Linux or suitable alternative system,

b) The results from a ping test to

c) The results of an Internet connection speed test, for example using

Each screen shot should be accompanied with a discussion of its meaning. Do not discuss the actual test performed in detail (for example, do not explain what ping does), rather focus on the actual results on the screen and what they tell you about your system. Each result should be explained in detail, including the meaning of any fields, columns or other data seen.

Task 6 Maintenance Schedule - Max 400 words

Produce a procedural document that outlines routing maintenance tasks that should be performed on the SYHA network. This should cover data backup, routine auditing and security checks. Clearly identify what the organisation running the network should be doing and on what schedule.

Task 7 Remote Connection of Networks - Max 400 words

The SYHA need to connect to their English counterpart whose head office is in Matlock, Derbyshire (look it up on suitable mapping sites). The English YHA has similar (and compatible) networking facilities to those installed at the SYHA. Outline how the two networks could be connected to enhance the new, larger organisation's operations. Concentrate on the networking technology needed to connect two similar networks that are this far apart.

Computer Network & Security, Computer Science

  • Category:- Computer Network & Security
  • Reference No.:- M92796912

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