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Answer the following problems:
 Unit Outcomes:
• Examine TCP services including connection management, data transport, and error reporting
• Analyze differentiated services configuration, operation and flow label definitions
• Interpret the algorithms and plan strategies to make efficient use of the labeled routes
• Compare methods of the controlling cache explosions
• Assess the TCP congestion control techniques
Course Outcome:

• Construct plan to integrate technology into the computer network.

IPv6 can use flow labels to "sort" traffic into separate flows according to label number. According to RFC 1809, the notion is that by simply looking up the Flow Label in the table, router can decide how to route and forward datagram without examining the rest of the header. Routers can cache the labeled route for given destination host, regardless of how many different sources are sending to that similar host. Danger of caching labeled routes like this is that if too many TCP connections enter the network at the same time, with each one possessing its own cache entry, there's potential of a cache "explosion".

• Discuss different methods for dealing with this type of cache explosion that is associated with flow labels.
• What happens if a sending device crashes, leaving behind “stale” flow labels on packets within the network?
• How can flow labels be used to optimize traffic flow within the network?

Preparing your Assignment

The written essay/paragraph formatted paper should be 8-10 pages long NOT including cover page and references. As you research various access technologies, ALL of the pages should have citations and references. No more than one direct quotation (of 40 words or more) is allowed per page and bullet lists without substantial narrative included are strongly discouraged. There should be no spelling or grammar errors. All written assignments should be in APA format. APA formatted in-text citations and references are required for all sources, and all figures and tables must be captioned in APA format.

Directions for Submitting the Assignment:

Compose the assignment in a Microsoft Word document

Assignment requirements:

• All papers should meet these standard requirements:
• Paper follows APA formatting
• Length is 8-10 pages long not including references and cover page
• No more than three bulleted or listed points per paper.
• No more than one direct quote per page from a reference source and those quotes should be properly cited within a body and in the references at the end of the paper
• Title page
• Reference page
• No spelling errors
• No grammar errors

Computer Network & Security, Computer Science

  • Category:- Computer Network & Security
  • Reference No.:- M9312

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