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In this assignment, you will use the course materials and the Web to research the cloud service providers. You will then compile your findings into a formal research paper that should address the differences between commercial and personal cloud service providers, data storage and security, and data management and security tools.

Assignment Guidelines

Using the Library and online research, investigate three cloud service providers, and address the following:

• List and describe the cloud services providers.
• Explore typical network troubleshooting tools and explain how they could be used to address cloud computing issues.
• Evaluate these services for both commercial and personal use.
• Identify how data are stored in their respective clouds.
• How is data security handled?
• What tools are offered to manage and handle data issues?
• Give a recommendation on the provider you would choose.

Your submitted assignment (125 points) must include the following:

Organize your descriptions into a formal research paper, and include a cover sheet with your name and class and section. The content of your research paper should be written in a double-spaced Word document of 3-5 pages not including a title page or a list of references. All in-text citations and references should be in APA format.

Computer Network & Security, Computer Science

  • Category:- Computer Network & Security
  • Reference No.:- M92760884
  • Price:- $30

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