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Compare and contrast cat. 6 unshielded twisted pair (UTP), coaxial, and single mode fiber optic cabling types. Describe one or two of the advantages and/or disadvantages associated with using each cable type for a business's network infrastructure. Consider the (a) cost per foot or meter; (b) termination/installation cost; (c) bandwidth; (d) cable length/transmission distance; (e) end point devices (i.e., workstation, wireless access point, switch, router, server, SAN, etc.); (f) use - in-building horizontal or vertical; and (g) conversion or interface equipment. Be sure to support your information with the appropriate citation(s).

The paper must use APA 6th ed, 4 peer reviewed references

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  • Category:- Computer Network & Security
  • Reference No.:- M92028915
  • Price:- $40

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