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Assignment: Project Analysis Plan

Overview: For your final project, you will assume the role of a network consultant for SNHUEnergy Inc., an organization looking to expand its communication reach. Refer to the Final Project Scenariodocument for details. You have been tasked with analyzing the current network architecture of the organization and determining any key changes that should occur as the organization prepares for future growth. You will evaluate traffic patterns to determine critical aspects of your business and provide basic insight into what should be done to the network from a capability aspect and from a security viewpoint as the organization prepares for future growth. Ultimately, you will recommend a design for the future network architecture of the organization.

Prompt: Your first milestone for this project will be the creation of a project analysis plan. Your plan will identify the network applications of the current network including a description of how the current network is designed by explaining how the different layers of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model relate to each other within the network.

Refer to the following files when completing this milestone:

• Dallas Office Logical Design - Current
• Final Project Physical Diagram - Current
• Memphis Office Logical Design - Current
• Milestone One Physical Diagram - Current

To complete this assignment, address the following critical elements:

• Identify the network applications that are a part of the current network.

• Identify and label the components of the network with the appropriate OSI network layer(s) (refer to Final Project Physical Diagram - Current file) Provide a nontechnical description of the role and functions of key components, including routers, switches, and firewalls.

• Provide a brief analysis of the current network configuration in terms of day-to-day business operations. Consider the following questions as a guide to your analysis:

o What is the impact of losing connectivity between the Dallas router and the Memphis router? Which applications might be impacted between locations?

o What is the risk of just having a single router or switch within the Memphis office?

o How effective is the firewall in the current network?

o Summarize the project requirements and deliverables.

Computer Network & Security, Computer Science

  • Category:- Computer Network & Security
  • Reference No.:- M92370519

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