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Questions of this part analyze the students' understanding in analyzing the given scenario and practical skills to build Sequence diagrams studied in Chapter 11 of IT242.

The "Choco Shop" management would desire to develop an online payment system for customers once they have confirmed the item order process that mentioned in the "Choco Shop" scenario. Draw a Sequence diagram for the below flow of events. You are required to identify relevant objects and methods according to the given steps.

Flow of Events in the online payment activity:
- The customer confirms the order and goes to online payment option.
- The system asks the customer to enter Visa/Master card number.
- The customer enters his/her card number.
- The system verifies the account number with the card provider.
- The system Administrator verifies the submitted details.
- A message to add amount to inventory will be sent.
- The system accounts will be updated.
- The system receives a successful receipt of transaction from system accounts.
- The customer receives a confirmation message from the System.
- The customer exits from the online payment option.

Software Engineering, Computer Science

  • Category:- Software Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92766455
  • Price:- $30

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