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Question 1
The _____ model is suitable when project requirements are clear, duration is shorter, and organization has experience running similar projects. (Links to an external site.)

Question 2
What is the purpose of the System Development Life Cycle?
To design, develop, and test high quality information security platform
To design, develop, and test high quality software
To design, build, and organize documents online
To design, create, and maintain an information technology framework for e-commerce

Question 3
In which phase of the software development project are project defects reported, tracked, fixed, and retested until the product reaches the defined quality standards?
Building phase
Maintenance phase
Testing phase
Implementation phase

Question 4
Identify the phases of a spiral model.
design, identification, build, evaluation
identification, design, construct, evaluation
design, identification, construct, evaluation
identification, build, design, evaluation

Question 5
____ model helps understand the requirements which are user specific and may not have been considered by the developer during product design. (Links to an external site.)
Big Bang

Question 6
Which one of these is false?
V-Model is similar to waterfall model, where every phase is directly associated to testing phase
V-Model is also known as verification and validation model
Processes in V-Model takes place in V-shape
V-model relies heavily on random steps

Question 7
Which one is typical use of spiral model?
For small to low-risk projects
Customer is sure of their requirements
Short-term project commitment
When there is a budget constraint and risk evaluation is important

Question 8
Which statement about iterative model design is not true:
Iterative process starts with a simple implementation
At each iteration, design modifications are made and new functional capabilities are added
The basic idea behind iterative model is to develop a system through repeated cycles
The advantage of iterative model is that it does not require any testing


Software Engineering, Computer Science

  • Category:- Software Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92374247
  • Price:- $5

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