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Create a simple warm-up program using your G3D programming and graphics environment. This will require you to minor edit and then compile a provided G3D application that mostly makes direct calls to OpenGL.

It is to your benefit to organize your programming environment as you see fit.

Your job is to implement a program which draws a simple 2D screen saver like program. The “screen-saver” consists of two points bouncing within the confines of the window (i.e., within a rectangle) and one line being drawn between the points. To draw the line, simply draw the line using OpenGL line drawing primitives (ex: use glBegin(GL_LINES), glVertex2f(x,y), and glEnd(). You may perform all computations in 2D, thus you do not need a perspective projection matrix. The points should start at a random position and move with a random (but reasonable) velocity vector. The points should reflect off the edge of the window and continue moving for about 10 seconds (and then the program should quit on its own).

Computer Graphics, Computer Science

  • Category:- Computer Graphics
  • Reference No.:- M989

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