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Capstone Scenario

A former dot com company, Verbania, Inc., shut down in 2001 because of the Internet bubble burst. It is attempting to reinvent and launch itself once again. It is looking for a complete information technology (IT) solution that includes hardware, software, networking, and security, among other requirements. Verbania's core product will be a social networking Web site and mobile application that rivals the big names that currently represent social media. It is attempting to find the best features and consolidate them into its product. The company is looking to establish its headquarters in the Silicon Valley region in California. The executives at Verbania are looking for your company to propose a solution that will endure future Internet trends.

Verbania has requested some functionality for the new social networking application. The following is a sample of the required functionality:

• Account setup and log-in functionality
• Creating a profile
• Adding or removing friends
• Posting to a discussion area

Complete the following steps:

• Step 1: Software Development Specialist to develop these functionalities. Develop use case diagrams, sequence diagram and class diagrams, as appropriate.

• Step 2: The mobile application side of this solution will require secure and encrypted connections. Please work with your Security and Network Specialists to develop an appropriate solution for wireless communication in the mobile application. Include the optimum levels of encryption and network connectivity.

• Step 3: As a final element, incorporate a Business Design Document (BDD) and a System Design Document (SDD) into the capstone project paper. Include the team suggested solutions for hardware or software, networking, security, as well as the integrated applications design (diagrams and database schema).

Must submit the following content:

• The diagrams and explanations for the application design
• The mobile application encryption and network connectivity
• The BDD and SD

Prepare 8-10 pages of content.

Software Engineering, Computer Science

  • Category:- Software Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92504087

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