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Q. Patching touch up stick?

Pipe requiring limited coating repair resulting from scars, slivers, holidays, etc. shall be repaired by an OWNER approved patching system. The amount of patching shall be limited to not more than two repairs per one metre length of coating (for example a maximum of forty eight (48) repairs on a 24 m joint). Any coating requiring patching in excess of this amount shall be re-coated.

Areas of pipe requiring small spot repairs shall be cleaned by a surface grinder to remove dirt, scale, rust, damaged coating or any other foreign material. Edges of the adjacent coating shall be feathered by hand sanding and all dust produced by cleaning and feathering shall be removed prior to patching. Defective coatings containing only pinholes do not require the full surface preparation. In these cases surface dirt, oil, grease or other contaminants which may impair the adhesion of the patching material shall be removed.

Only one of the following repair systems shall be used:

a) Patching touch up stick

b) Patching compound

Mechanical Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Mechanical Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9568284

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