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Chemical engineering is the branch of engineering that applies natural sciences (e.g. physics and chemistry) and life sciences (e.g. biology, biochemistry and microbiology) together with the mathematics and the economics to produce, transport, transform and properly use the chemicals, energy and materials. It essentially deals with engineering of chemicals, energy and processes that create and convert them. Modern chemical engineers are concerned with the processes that convert raw materials (chemicals) into the more useful or valuable forms. They are also concerned with the pioneering valuable materials and the related techniques - which are often crucial to related fields such as nanotechnology, bioengineering and fuel cells.


By the year 1940s, it became clear that the unit operations alone were insufficient in developing the chemical reactors. While predominance of unit operations in the chemical engineering courses in the Britain and United States continued until 1960s, the transport phenomena started to experience the greater focus. Along with the other novel concepts, such process systems engineering (PSE), a "second paradigm" was definite.  The Transport phenomena gave an analytical approach to the chemical engineering while PSE focused on its artificial elements, such as the control system and the process design. Developments in the chemical engineering before and after the World War II were mainly incited by petrochemical industry; however, advances in the other fields were made as well. Advancements in the biochemical engineering in 1940s, for example, found application in pharmaceutical industry, and allowed for mass production of a range of antibiotics, including the penicillin and the streptomycin. Meanwhile, progress in the polymer science in 1950s paved way for "age of plastics".


Chemical engineering involves the application of numerous principles. The key concepts are presented below.

Chemical reaction engineering

The chemical engineering involves managing plant processes and conditions to ensure the optimal plant operation. Chemical reaction engineers build models for the reactor analysis and the design using the laboratory data and the physical parameters, such as chemical thermodynamics, to solve predict reactor performance and problems.

Plant design

Chemical engineering design concerns creation of specification, plans and economic analyses for new plants or the plant modifications. The design engineers often work in a consulting role, designing plants to meet the clients' needs. Design is limited by a number of factors, including the funding, safety standards and government regulations. These constraints utter a plant's choice of process, equipment and materials.

Process design

The unit operation is a physical step in an individual chemical engineering process. Unit operations (such as drying, evaporation and crystallization) are used to prepare the reactants, separating and purifying its products, recycling unspent reactants, and the controlling energy transfer in reactors. On the other hand, a unit process is chemical equivalent of a unit operation. Along with unit operations, the unit processes represent a process operation. Unit processes (such as oxidation and nitration) involve conversion of material by the biochemical, thermo chemical and the other means. The Chemical engineers responsible for these are called the process engineers.

Transport phenomena

Transport phenomena occur commonly in the industrial problems. These include heat transfer, mass transfer and fluid dynamics which mainly concern the energy transfer, momentum transfer and transport of the chemical species respectively. Basic equations for describing three phenomena in microscopic, macroscopic and the molecular levels are very similar. Thus, understanding the transport phenomena requires thorough the understanding of mathematics.


The Chemical engineers "develop the economic ways of using the materials and energy". Chemical engineers use the engineering and chemistry to turn the raw materials into usable products, such as petrochemicals, medicine and plastics on a large-scale, industrial setting. They are also involved in the waste management and the research. Both applied and the research facets could create the extensive use of computers.

A chemical engineer may be involved in the industry or university research where they are tasked in the designing and the performing experiments to create the new and better ways of production, conserving resources, controlling pollution and making these processes safer. They may be involved in the designing and constructing plants as a project engineer. In this field, chemical engineer uses their knowledge in selecting the plant equipment and optimum method of the production to minimize the costs and increase the profitability. After its construction, they may help in the upgrading its equipment. They may also be involved in its daily operations. Chemical engineers may be permanently employed at the chemical plants to manage the operations. Alternatively, they may serve in a consultant role to troubleshoot the problems, the manage process changes and otherwise assist the plant operators.


Chemical engineering if pursued sincerely is the highly profitable and scope in India is vast. We are the top paid when compared with pass outs of the other branches and lately there has been a explosion in this field and the placements are sure. But first you should know what the chemical engineering is because the students have a misconception about it. A common fear that work conditions of the chemical engineers are perilous is a coincidence. Chemical engineers work in the safe environment and direct contact with the chemicals is minimum. The chemical engineers in India recruited in many sectors. Some being: petrochemicals and petroleum, fertilizers, paper, pharmaceuticals, rubber, organic and inorganic industries etc.


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