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Engineering mathematics is a branch of the applied mathematics concerning with the mathematical methods and techniques that are typically used in the engineering and industry. Along with fields like the engineering physics and engineering geology, engineering mathematics is an interdisciplinary subject motivated by the engineers' needs both for the theoretical, practical and the other considerations out with their specialization, and to deal with the constraints to be effective in their work.


Historically, the engineering mathematics consisted mostly of the applied analysis, most notably: the differential equations; real and the complex analysis; approximation theory (broadly construed, to include the variational, asymptotic and the perturbative methods, representations, the numerical analysis); Fourier analysis; the potential theory; as well as the linear algebra and applied probability, outside of the analysis. These areas of the mathematics were intimately tied to development of the Newtonian physics, and mathematical physics of that period. This history also left a legacy: until early 20th century subjects such as the classical mechanics were often taught in the applied mathematics departments at the American universities, and the fluid mechanics may still be taught in mathematics as well as the engineering departments.

The success of modern numerical computer methods and the software has led to emergence of computational mathematics, computational engineering (the last two are sometimes lumped together and abbreviated as CS&E) and computational science, which occasionally use high-performance computing for simulation of the phenomena and solution of the problems in sciences and engineering. These are often considered interdisciplinary fields, but are also of interest to the engineering mathematics. Specialized branches include the engineering optimization and the engineering statistics.

What is Engineering Mathematics?

Engineering Mathematics is the art of applying mathematics to the complex real-world problems. It combines the mathematical theory, scientific computing and practical engineering to address today's technological challenges.

It is a creative and the exciting discipline, spanning the traditional boundaries. Engineering mathematicians can be found in an extraordinarily the wide range of careers, from the designing next generation Formula One cars to working at cutting edge of the robotics, from the running their own business creating the new autonomous vehicles to the developing innovative indices for the leading global financial institutions.


The key skill of an engineering mathematician is the mathematical modeling: The art of applying mathematics to the complex real-world problems. Problem solving of this kind really is an art that can only be learnt from the hands-on experience, so that's how we teach it: using the case studies taken from the whole range of the engineering, industrial, scientific,  and the business applications. A thread of the mathematical modeling units runs throughout all our degree programs.


Applications of Mathematics publishes the original research papers of the high scientific level that are directed towards use of the mathematics in the different branches of science. The emphasis of papers is on a solid mathematical analysis of the problems from the applications, in the form of the proofs of mathematical theorems that are typically of more general use than only for application under the consideration. The journal publishes theorems on solutions to differential, algebraic, stochastic and integral equations, such as their well-posedness, their relevant properties, and their approximation. Also papers on the variational (in-)equalities, the optimization and the probability and statistics are welcomed. All contributions should be well motivated by the real-life applications from the scientific areas such as the engineering, physics, biology and econometrics.


*Promotes the application of the mathematics to the physical problems.

*Emphasizes unity, through the mathematics, of the fundamental problems of applied and the engineering science.

*It covers both the mathematics and the applied topics.

The Journal of Engineering Mathematics promotes application of the mathematics to the physical problems particularly in area of engineering. It emphasizes intrinsic unity, through the mathematics, of the fundamental problems of applied and the engineering science. Coverage includes:

Mathematics: The Ordinary and the partial differential equations, Asymptotic, Integral equations, Variation and the functional-analytical methods, Computational methods, the Numerical analysis

Applied Fields: Continuum mechanics, Wave propagation, Stability theory, Heat and mass transfer, Diffusion, Free-boundary problems; Fluid mechanics, Boundary Layers, : Aero- and hydrodynamics, Fluid machinery, Shock waves, Combustion, Convection, Acoustics, Transition and turbulence, Multiphase flows, Creeping flow, Porous-media flows, Theology,  Ocean engineering; Atmospheric engineering; Solid mechanics: Classical mechanics, Elasticity, Vibrations, Elasticity, Plates and shells, Biomedical engineering, Fracture mechanics,  Geophysical engineering, Reaction-diffusion problems; and the related topics.


To produce the quality mathematical sciences researches; provide the teaching and the extension services; and enhance development of the mathematics faculty of other Higher Educational Institutions through the continuous upgrading of the Department's various curricular programs, facilities, faculty force and the short term training programs.

Making Engineers to develop mathematical thinking an applying it to solve the complex engineering problems, designing the mathematical modeling for systems involving the global level technology.

Our mission is to produce the significant research, to provide high quality graduate, undergraduate and professional programs of study which attract best students, and to attend to mathematical needs of the University and community.

Department mission is to provide students with a number of degree programs and a wide spectrum of the courses, and to offer them a rigorous training that enables them to pursue the UG / PG or work in jobs that require a high degree of the mathematical skills.


Mywordsolution offers you exactly you need in your Engineering Mathematics courses if  you think that you cannot cope with all the complexities of Engineering Mathematics. Our team of dedicated Engineering Mathematics specialists, who have been worked in the Engineering Mathematics field for a long time, can offer UK, US, Australian, Canadian and word wide students their help in tackling what their Engineering Mathematics homework and assignment has to offer them. You just need to specify what kind Engineering Mathematics assignment help you want and what your deadlines are. Once you are done with submission of your Engineering Mathematics requirement, our specialists or experts will get back on the job, while at the same time promising things like:

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