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A) Define Heat treatment
B) Name different types of heat treatment processes
C) Write any 4 purposes of Heat treatment

2. Explain various Heat treatment processes


A) Compare Thermo plastics and Thermoset plastics
B) Properties of plastics
C) Uses of Plastics


A) Define Composite materials
B) Explain the uses of composite materials in engineering


1. Differentiate between Pig iron & Cast iron. Write uses of them.
2. Distinguish between Wrought iron & Steel. Write uses of them.
3. Define engineering materials? Write applications of them.
4. Properties & Uses of ceramics.


1. Write Classification of engineering materials with examples.
2. Define all properties of materials with example.
3. Differentiate between ferrous & nonferrous materials, give examples.
4. Properties and uses of nonferrous materials

2 Star Questions & Answers

1. Explain Tool steels.


Mechanical Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Mechanical Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M93127994
  • Price:- $20

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