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What is the exchange list?

IL is a grouping of foods in which specified amounts of all the foods provide approximately equal amount of (the same amount) carbohydrate, protein and fat and hence, energy content. Specific foods within the group may vary slightly in nutritive value from the averages stated in the group. These differences in composition tend to cancel out because of the variety of foods selected from day to day. Thus, any food within a given list can be substituted or exchanged for any other food in that list in the given quantities. Food exchange system allows one to choose a variety of foods with adequate nutrients. The food exchange system is important in planning a nutritious diet. Essentially, the Food Exchange System allows variety to be introduced into the diets without altering the energy or the macronutrient contents. The exchange lists are especially useful in planning diets for metabolic diseases and are very useful in the management of obesity.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9564301

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