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Biology is the study of living things and their vital procedures. It is an extremely wide subject; biology is classified into various branches. The present approach is mainly based on the levels of biological organization included (example: molecules, cells, individuals, populations and so on) and on the particular topic under investigation (example: structure and function, growth and improvement). According to this method, biology's main subcategories comprise morphology, taxonomy, embryology, physiology, genetics, and ecology, each of which can be further categorized. On the other hand, biology can be sub-divided into fields especially concerned with one kind of living thing; for illustration, botany (i.e., plants), ornithology (i.e., birds), entomology (i.e., insects), zoology (i.e., animals), mycology (i.e., fungi), microbiology (i.e., microorganisms), and bacteriology (i.e., bacteria).

Biological disciplines entail an important responsibility for the protection and wellbeing of all living species. The knowledge concerning the diversity of life forms and their conservation-exploitation is of huge significance for our day to day life.

The food resources and quality, factors which cause illness, sustainable utilization of natural resources, the improvement and development of helpful species, the discovery and manufacture of medicines, the study of the functions of living beings, their inheritance, and so on all are the fields of research via Biology.

The Biology too investigate the ecological factors which surround the living beings; and, by means of environmentalism, it seeks for more efficient manners to understand the variations or new circumstances of the atmosphere which can threaten the survival of living beings on our globe.

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