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Defining Nursing

Nursing is the diagnosis and the treatment of the human responses to potential or actual health problems. Nursing is further defined as those functions, including the basic health care, that help people cope with the difficulties in daily living that are associated with their actual health or the illness problems or treatment thereof, and that require a substantial amount of the scientific knowledge or the technical skill.

Nursing is a profession within health care sector focused on care of individuals, families, and the communities so they may maintain, attain or recover the optimal health and the quality of life.

Nurses may be differentiated from the other health care providers by their approach to the patient care, training, and the scope of practice. Nurses practice in a wide diversity of the practice areas with a different scope of practice and the level of prescriber authority in each. Many nurses provide care within ordering scope of the physicians, and this traditional role has come to shape historic public image of the nurses as care providers. However, nurses are permitted by the most jurisdictions to practice the independently in a variety of settings depending on the training level. In postwar period, the nurse education has undergone a process of the diversification towards the advanced and specialized credentials, and many of traditional regulations and the provider roles are changing.

The Nurses develop a plan of care, working collaboratively with the therapists, physicians,  the patient, the patient's family and the other team members, that focuses on the treating illness to improve the quality of life. In U.S. the advanced practice nurses, such as clinical nurse specialists and the nurse practitioners prescribe medications and diagnose health problems and the other therapies, depending on the individual state regulations. Nurses may help coordinate patient care performed by the other members of an interdisciplinary health care team such as the medical practitioners, therapists and the dietitians. Nurses provide the care both interdependently, for example, with the physicians, and independently as the nursing professionals.

The American Nurses Association states nursing is the promotion, protection and the optimization of the health and abilities, prevention of the illness and injury, alleviation of the suffering through diagnosis and the treatment of human response, and the advocacy in care of individuals, communities, families and populations.


1) Nursing Excellence through pursuit of the ANCC Magnet Status.  RNs empowered to make the decisions at point of the care delivery.

2) The Managers' role as supportive to staff. Eliminating barriers and the facilitating patient care process.

3) Support services at point of the care delivery, enabling nurses to spend the more time on the direct patient care behavior.

4) The Interdisciplinary approach to care the planning and the care delivery through the patient-centered care coordination.

5) The Service excellence through the employee selection and the training, and the system support. The Service excellence depends on the effective systems, interpersonal skills and technical skills.


The Nursing is committed to the quality nursing care and the service excellence through pursuit of the ANCC Magnet Status.

Commitment to the Patient: Our nurses are the patient advocates that who believe each individual is exclusive. Nursing care is planned and delivered in response to precise desires of each individual. Our nurses believe that the patients are the participants in their own care having right to make the care and the health-related choices as far as their condition allows.

A patient's care is delivered via collaborative efforts of entire health care team, including patient and his/her family. The realistic goals are set and the patient teaching is emphasized.

Commitment to Quality Nursing Practice: RNs manage patient condition in accordance with the California BRN Scope of the Nursing Practice and American Nurses Association. This model includes following categories: nursing diagnosis, assessment, implementation, evaluation, planning, patient advocacy and teaching.

Nurses shape the clinical practice through a unit-based and the hospital-wide collaborative method and believe that the evidence-based practice should actively guide their decisions about the care delivered to individuals or groups of the patients. In collaboration with California Nursing Outcomes Coalition our RNs develop the systems to measure those factors that are shown to be the good indicators of the quality patient care, and to improve their practices based on outcomes.

Commitment to an Environment Which Supports Patient-Centered Care: Northridge Hospital nurses:

1) Strive for the continuous improvement of the management and the support services, which allow nurses to spend the more time on the direct patient-care activities.

2) Are encouraged to make the decisions at point of care. The Creativity is encouraged allowing each person to fully utilize the his or her capabilities.

3) Understand and support maintenance of the environmental systems and the equipment that allow for doing the things right first time.


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